Gravel to Gravel Research
Understanding the factors that limit Alaska Chinook salmon productivity: A Lifecycle-based Approach
Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) are an iconic fish in Alaska and they support the cultural well-being, economy, and livelihood of many families and communities. However, Chinook salmon abundance across Alaska has declined over the past two decades. Chinook salmon numbers returning to many Alaska rivers began to decline in 2007, at times requiring painful restrictions on fisheries that harvest these stocks. While populations of Chinook salmon in Alaska have historically alternated between periods of higher and lower production, the fishery restrictions caused by this extended period of low runs has created social and economic hardship across many communities in both rural and urban Alaska.
There is an urgent need for an adaptive and comprehensive plan to guide research efforts to support the resilience of Alaska's Chinook salmon. In October 2022, ADF&G scientists developed a conceptual research framework called "Gravel to Gravel"; to address this issue. This document outlines a coordinated effort by the State of Alaska that will remain adaptive to changing situations and stakeholder input, as we work to both understand the decline and provide the knowledge necessary to support the development of creative solutions that will support the resiliency of Alaska's iconic Chinook salmon into the future. This document provides the following:
- a brief update on the status of Chinook salmon and the fisheries that depend on them in Alaska;
- a review of prior Chinook salmon research initiatives upon which this research program will build a knowledge base; and
- a framework for developing a cooperative and inclusive research program to determine root causes of the sustained decline as well as possible management and policy actions based on these findings.
Download the Plan (PDF 4,415 kB)
15 pages
Please use the following citation when referencing the Chinook Gravel to Gravel Research Plan:
Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G). 2022. Understanding the factors that limit Alaska Chinook salmon productivity: A lifecycle-based approach. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Commercial Fisheries. 15 p. Available:
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