The AJMC® metabolic dysfunction-associated steatohepatitis compendium is a comprehensive resource for clinical news and expert insights for the condition, which was formerly known as nonalcoholic steatohepatitis.
Resmetirom offers a targeted approach to metabolic dysfunction–associated steatohepatitis (MASH) for use alongside lifestyle modifications.
MASH Clinical Trials Historically Underrepresent Certain Groups
Lipid Metabolites Emerge as Noninvasive Diagnostic Tool in MASH
Mortality Declines but Incidence Rates Up for Cirrhosis and Other Chronic Liver Diseases
Resmetirom Reduces Liver Stiffness in MASH-Compensated Cirrhosis
New Therapies Expanding the MASH Treatment Landscape
Efruxifermin Reverses MASH-Compensated Cirrhosis in Phase 2b SYMMETRY Study
Promising Potential for FGF21 Analogs in MASH Management
MASH-Related PLC on the Rise in Young Adults
"Alarming Rise" of Global MASH-Related Primary Liver Cancer Incidence Since 2000
Amplifying Impact: Efruxifermin Plus GLP-1RA Elevates MASH Outcomes
A Potential Early Biomarker for MASLD: Oxidized Apolipoproteins
Study Highlights Increasing Global Health Burden of Liver Cancer
FDA Approves Resmetirom, First Treatment for NASH With Liver Fibrosis
ICER to Assess Clinical Effectiveness, Value of 2 NASH Treatments
Improving Early Detection of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis on Ultrasound