The bestselling book that will inspire you to stand tall and find the courage to make your voice heard is now available!
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“Exposed captures the complex intersection between heartbreak, hope, courage, and the search for justice…
"Alicia’s pure grit to push through her life after the painful deaths of her two brothers, suffering in silence under the harassment and power of her boss, and then being all but abandoned by her employer when she reached out for help was both inspiring and heart-rending. An honest and compelling reflection of how messy and unfair life can be and the power of a determined woman in creating justice for herself when it wasn’t offered — I highly recommend this book.”
About the book.
When the #MeToo movement went global in fall 2017, the world opened its eyes to the pervasive culture of workplace harassment toward women. While the media focused on abuses at powerful corporations and the Hollywood casting couch, voices of female victims in average American communities remained largely unheard. Exposed reveals, in heartbreaking detail, how the systems that run our local schools and governments can be used to shield aggressors and foster a culture of harassment and abuse.
Throughout her successful career as a school counselor, Alicia Curry earned the respect of her students and colleagues. When her consensual relationship ended with the principal of the school where she was employed, a cycle of harassment and lies emerged in its place. Suddenly, Alicia was plunged into a dizzying world of accusations, depression, isolation, and mistrust. It took the fight of her life to find freedom from a hostile work environment and secure a future for herself and her young daughter.
Told with clear-eyed detail and bravery, Exposed lays bare the struggle women face each day as they fight for justice in the face of workplace harassment.
“Exposed is a riveting journey of loss, abuse, courage, faith, and hope. Ms. Curry depicts the depths of pain and personal sacrifice made as she stepped forward risking her career and reputation for justice.
“Her courage and raw honesty expose the flaws of a school district who hired and protected a principal with a history of being accused of sexual harassment. When you read this story, you will move through all the emotions of the #metoo moment and the injustices that will always be present. Ms. Curry manages to take you through her journey, the lowest of lows in a page turning detailed account. Yet the message of the book is one of hope. Hope that when you seek justice, God shows up. Hope that when you live bravely, God reminds you that you are enough. Hope that in your courage, you can win, you can fight, and you can persevere. ”

What people are saying.

The reviews are in…
Soul-baring. Authentic. Bring Your Truth to Light!
A truly captivating read. The #metoo movement isn’t just for big names on the news. This book proves that harassment and systemic abuse can be a silent undercurrent in everyday American workplaces and communities.
A brilliant account of bravery outlasting fear. Masterfully written page-turner that gave me Coldest Winter Ever vibes.
—S. B. Buchanan
This book is a summer must read. It’s a stunning account of Alicia’s courageous fight against a toxic, fear driven workplace.
—Amazon Customer
A story of abuse of power and the courage to fight back.
Alicia is an icon of courage after facing years of sexual harassment and then suffering retaliation when she had the nerve to tell and ask for help.
—L. McKnight
Courageous. Authentic. Soul-moving. Vulnerable.
Alicia C. Curry delivers a story for the soul. Life brings its fair share of pains and promises, and the courage to walk us through them is what we admire most. I couldn’t put it down. It’s a story for humans who have lived with and are ready to remove “the mask.”
—Bootney Farnsworth
You will not want to put this book down!
I was initially drawn to the book because I’m an educator, but this book is for people of many walks and career paths. It encompasses so many subjects: faith, family, rearing children, grief, work, distractions and the list could go on.
—Marissa Bailey
I felt every emotion of this journey. The bravery it took to speak your truth and rebuke the attacks on your integrity made me want to stand up and clap!
A must-read book!
This book will heighten your awareness of being courageous, speaking up, weathering the storm and how to cope with grief in a better way.
—Roderick Carson
This is an excellent book.
The kind where you start every other read is set aside until you finish. Check it won't be disappointed.
—John H. Turner
Triumph has a new name!!!
Ms. Alicia C. Curry did not disappoint with this one! Her story of triumph over tribulations is a lesson for us all. EXPOSED reminds us that our “voice” is our most powerful muscle, and we must not let anyone stop us from using it.
—Jeremiah Barlow
Riveting journey of loss, abuse, courage, faith, and hope. MUST READ!!!
Ms. Curry manages to take you through her journey, the lowest of lows, in a page turning detailed account.
—Kindle Customer
Courage, Strength, Growth, Personal Power.
So beautifully written and so powerfully shared Alicia! I pray it brings strength to others and I pray that in that Strength, things in this world will be changed.
Easy to read. Hard to put down. HIGHLY RECOMMEND.
An honest and compelling reflection of how messy and unfair life can be and the power of a determined woman in creating justice for herself when it wasn't available.
—Daneka Souberbielle