People named Amy Graves
Below are 21 people with the first name Amy and the last name Graves. Try the Graves Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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21 Amy Graves Biographies

Amy M Graves of Bremerton, Kitsap County, WA was born on May 4, 1918, and died at age 88 years old on May 31, 2006.

Amy Rosaleen Graves of Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz County, CA was born on August 28, 1903, and died at age 94 years old on October 13, 1997. Amy Graves was buried at Golden Gate National Cemetery
Section 2A Site 1632 1300 Sneath Lane, in San Bruno.

Amy M Graves of TX was born circa 1974. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy M. (Parks) Graves.

Amy A Graves of TX was born circa 1972. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy A. (Lawrence) Graves.

Amy E Graves of Randall County, TX was born circa 1970. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy E. (Daniel) Graves.

Amy L Graves of TX was born circa 1974. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy L. (Delehanty) Graves.

Amy M Graves of Brazoria County, TX was born circa 1974. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy M. (Morgan) Graves.

Amy L Graves of TX was born circa 1969. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy L. (Thomas) Graves.

Amy M Graves of TX was born circa 1966. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy M. (Pritchard) Graves.

Amy L Graves of TX was born circa 1969. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy L. (Foster) Graves.

Amy N Graves of TX was born circa 1979. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy N. (Griffith) Graves.

Amy Graves of Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California was born on September 20, 1903, and died at age 71 years old in February 1975.

Amy Graves of Dexter, Stoddard County, Missouri was born on December 5, 1892, and died at age 87 years old in April 1980.

Amy Graves of McAlester, Pittsburg County, Oklahoma was born on August 8, 1899, and died at age 81 years old in July 1981.

Amy D Graves of Moss Point, Jackson County, MS was born on October 28, 1926, and died at age 75 years old on September 28, 2002.

Amy Graves of Masonic Home, Jefferson County, Kentucky was born on December 12, 1904, and died at age 82 years old in November 1987.

Amy Graves was born on August 25, 1893, and died at age 74 years old on July 15, 1968. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Amy Graves.

Amy Graves of Mechanicsville, Saint Marys County, Maryland was born on August 21, 1891, and died at age 89 years old in April 1981.

Amy L Graves of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA was born on December 18, 1922, and died at age 80 years old on March 23, 2003.

Amy Graves of Buskirk, Rensselaer County, NY was born on August 15, 1893, and died at age 89 years old in August 1982.
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Arista Graves (Sep 28, 1870 - Apr 1964)
Arlan Graves (Mar 10, 1921 - Sep 1977)
Arlean Graves (Apr 2, 1921 - Dec 3, 2005)
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