People named Anna Lazorko
Below are 2 people with the first name Anna and the last name Lazorko. Try the Lazorko Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Anna Lazorko Biographies
Anna Lazorko of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, PA was born on February 13, 1929, and died at age 80 years old on November 4, 2009.
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Similar Lazorko names
Lazorko biographies alphabetically beginning with Agnies and ending with William Lazorko.
Agnies Lazorko (Dec 6, 1914 - Nov 1987)
Alicia Lazorko (May 19, 1926 - Feb 1985)
Anna Lazorko
Anthony Lazorko (Jan 7, 1911 - Oct 13, 2003)
Belinda Lazorko (Dec 13, 1957 - Apr 4, 2011)
Bette Lazorko (Mar 8, 1931 - May 24, 2003)
Eileen Lazorko (Jun 15, 1917 - Oct 1974)
Eleanor Lazorko (Jul 13, 1926 - Jun 1970)
Ellen Lazorko (Feb 21, 1940 - May 12, 2009)
Eva Lazorko (Nov 5, 1893 - Feb 1979)
Helen Lazorko
Jacob Lazorko (Born c. 1982)
Jennie Lazorko (Apr 24, 1909 - Jul 1984)
John Lazorko
Julia Lazorko (Jul 1, 1896 - Oct 1973)
Karol Lazorko (Jan 28, 1918 - Dec 1987)
Kathrine Lazorko (Aug 8, 1906 - Feb 16, 1997)
Marguerite Lazorko (Apr 4, 1938 - Jan 21, 2008)
Mary Lazorko (Jul 2, 1908 - Jan 29, 1996)
Michael Lazorko
Minnie Lazorko (Oct 26, 1897 - Mar 1977)
Paul Lazorko
Peter Lazorko (Jul 24, 1925 - Jun 5, 2010)
Rachael Lazorko (Born c. 1982)
Rose Lazorko (Jul 10, 1914 - Dec 2, 1997)
Steve Lazorko (Sep 4, 1922 - Feb 14, 2004)
Tatianna Lazorko (Dec 25, 1888 - Aug 1979)
Walter Lazorko (May 15, 1925 - Mar 1973)
William Lazorko (Mar 27, 1920 - Oct 16, 2008)