People named Ethel Gothard
Below are 4 people with the first name Ethel and the last name Gothard. Try the Gothard Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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4 Ethel Gothard Biographies
Ethel Gothard of Wilson, Carter County, Oklahoma was born on September 21, 1893, and died at age 87 years old in November 1980.
Ethel Gothard of Dowelltown, Dekalb County, TN was born on October 26, 1907, and died at age 97 years old on December 5, 2004.
Ethel O Gothard of Stockton, Jo Daviess County, IL was born on April 11, 1908, and died at age 100 years old on October 3, 2008.
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Esther Gothard (Dec 6, 1898 - Oct 1980)
Ethel Gothard
Eugene Gothard (Aug 13, 1911 - Mar 1977)
Eula Gothard
Eunice Gothard (Jul 24, 1889 - May 15, 1972)
Eva Gothard
Evelyn Gothard (Apr 14, 1934 - Jun 12, 1999)
Exie Gothard (Feb 3, 1919 - Jan 1966)
F Thomas Gothard (Jan 9, 1918 - Dec 11, 2005)
Faith Gothard (Apr 16, 1903 - Feb 1988)
Fannie Gothard
Florence Gothard
Flossie Gothard (Feb 4, 1905 - Dec 21, 1998)
Floyd Gothard
Frances Gothard
Francis Gothard (Jan 22, 1917 - Apr 22, 1991)
Frank Gothard
Fred Gothard
Freda Gothard
Frederick Gothard (Mar 10, 1925 - May 30, 2002)
Freida Gothard (Born c. 1946)
Garnet Gothard (Feb 20, 1898 - Oct 1963)
Gary Gothard
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