People named Frances Layaou
Below are 2 people with the first name Frances and the last name Layaou. Try the Layaou Family page if you can't find a particular Collaborative Biography in your family tree.
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2 Frances Layaou Biographies
Frances Layaou of Killeen, Bell County, TX was born on June 25, 1932, and died at age 76 years old on April 11, 2009.
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Similar Layaou names
Layaou biographies alphabetically beginning with Alfred and ending with William Layaou.
Alfred Layaou (May 7, 1905 - Jan 1978)
Beatrice Layaou (Sep 6, 1927 - Jul 17, 2011)
Chester Layaou (Jul 11, 1927 - Jul 10, 2002)
Claire Layaou (Feb 24, 1921 - Dec 29, 1998)
Clifford Layaou (Feb 21, 1938 - May 17, 2000)
Donald Layaou (Aug 12, 1926 - May 1982)
Dorothy Layaou (Apr 29, 1921 - May 26, 2003)
Earle Layaou (Oct 5, 1896 - Jan 1970)
Edward Layaou (Jun 22, 1921 - Sep 26, 1995)
Elizabeth Layaou (May 1, 1906 - Dec 1982)
Ernest Layaou (Jun 25, 1932 - Nov 1966)
Frances Layaou
George Layaou (Jun 26, 1920 - Apr 20, 1991)
Gertrude Layaou (Aug 31, 1899 - Jun 26, 1990)
Helen Layaou (May 2, 1927 - Jan 11, 2010)
James Layaou (Oct 8, 1934 - Mar 5, 2009)
John Layaou
Joseph Layaou (Jul 18, 1906 - May 1965)
Lawrence Layaou (Feb 12, 1922 - Dec 13, 2000)
Lena Layaou (Mar 18, 1921 - Dec 4, 1998)
Margaret Layaou (Jul 15, 1908 - Dec 1978)
Mary Layaou (Mar 8, 1925 - Nov 10, 1994)
Michael Layaou (Oct 6, 1977 - Aug 31, 2002)
Olga Layaou (Jul 16, 1915 - May 29, 2000)
Raymond Layaou
Sandra Layaou (Sep 9, 1942 - Aug 16, 2005)
Sophie Layaou (Mar 6, 1906 - Dec 1980)
William Layaou (Aug 17, 1948 - Jan 2, 2010)