Betty Greenlee (1929 - 2001) - Royersford, PA | Genealogy & Family History


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Betty Greenlee 1929 - 2001

Betty Greenlee of Royersford, Montgomery County, PA was born on March 5, 1929, and died at age 72 years old on July 28, 2001.
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Betty Greenlee
Royersford, Montgomery County, PA 19468
March 5, 1929
July 28, 2001
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Betty Greenlee's History: 1929 - 2001

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Did you know?
In 1929, in the year that Betty Greenlee was born, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre happened on February 14th. In Chicago, seven men from the North Side Irish gang were gunned down by Al Capone's South Side Italian gang at the garage at 2122 North Clark Street. Al Capone was making a successful move to take over Chicago's organized crime. But the St. Valentine's Day massacre also resulted in a public outcry against all gangsters.
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Did you know?
In 1949, at the age of 20 years old, Betty was alive when on January 25th, the first Emmy Awards (for television) were handed out in Los Angeles. Shirley Dinsdale won for the Most Outstanding Television Personality and Pantomime Quiz Time earned an Emmy for the Most Popular Television Program.
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