Cora Greenlee (1904 - 1983) - Hobart, Indiana | Genealogy & Family History
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Cora Greenlee 1904 - 1983

Cora Greenlee of Hobart, Lake County, Indiana was born on March 25, 1904, and died at age 79 years old in August 1983.
Cora Greenlee
Hobart, Lake County, Indiana 46342
March 25, 1904
August 1983
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Cora Greenlee's History: 1904 - 1983

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Did you know?
In 1904, in the year that Cora Greenlee was born, the Russo-Japanese war began. The Russian Empire and the Japanese Empire began fighting over the territories of Manchuria and Korea. Russia wanted a warm water port on the Pacific Ocean while Japan feared growing encroachment from Russia into Asia. So the Japan fleet launched a surprise attack on the Russian Navy and a one year war began. President Roosevelt of the United States brokered peace between the two nations. It was the first time in the modern era that an Asian power showed its dominance over a European power.
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Did you know?
In 1916, at the age of just 12 years old, Cora was alive when suffragette Jeannette Pickering Rankin became the first woman elected to the House of Representatives as a Representative at large from Montana. She was the first woman to hold an elected Federal office. Holding the office for two years, she ran again in 1940 and served another two year term. Montana had granted women unrestricted voting rights in 1914, 6 years before women got the vote nationally.
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