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Georgia Land 1902 - 1994

Georgia Land of Sallisaw, Sequoyah County, OK was born on May 12, 1902, and died at age 91 years old in February 1994.
Georgia Land
Sallisaw, Sequoyah County, OK 74955
May 12, 1902
February 1994
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Georgia Land's History: 1902 - 1994

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Did you know?
In 1902, in the year that Georgia Land was born, the first Rose Bowl game was played in Pasadena, California. Called the "Tournament East–West football game" at the time, the Michigan Wolverines (East) played the Stanford Indians (West) - the Wolverines won 49 - 0. (The Stanford captain requested an end to the game with 8 minutes remaining.) The Tournament of Roses Parade began in 1890 and the football game began as a way to boost tourism in the area.
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Did you know?
In 1922, Georgia was 20 years old when on June 22, coal miners in Herrin Illinois, were on strike (coal miners had been on strike nationally since April 1). The striking miners were outraged at the strikebreakers (scabs) that the company had brought in and laid siege to the mine. Three union workers were killed when gunfire was exchanged. The next day, union miners killed 23 strikebreakers and mine guards. No one, on either side, ever faced jail time.
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