Germaine Leclair (1929 - 2003) - Keeseville, NY | Genealogy & Family History


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Germaine Leclair 1929 - 2003

Germaine Leclair of Keeseville, Clinton County, NY was born on December 8, 1929, and died at age 73 years old on August 28, 2003.
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Germaine Leclair
Keeseville, Clinton County, NY 12944
December 8, 1929
August 28, 2003
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Germaine Leclair's History: 1929 - 2003

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Did you know?
In 1929, in the year that Germaine Leclair was born, American Samoa officially became a U.S. territory. Although a part of the United States since 1900, the Ratification Act of 1929 vested "all civil, judicial, and military powers in the President of the United States of America".
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Did you know?
In 1939, Germaine was just 10 years old when on the 1st of September, Nazi Germany invaded Poland. On September 17th, the Soviet Union invaded Poland as well. Poland expected help from France and the United Kingdom, since they had a pact with both. But no help came. By October 6th, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany held full control of the previously Polish lands. Eventually, the invasion of Poland lead to World War II.
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