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Grace B Land 1901 - 1995

Grace B Land of Lilesville, Anson County, NC was born on October 16, 1901, and died at age 94 years old on December 12, 1995.
Grace B Land
Lilesville, Anson County, NC 28091
October 16, 1901
December 12, 1995
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Grace B Land's History: 1901 - 1995

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Did you know?
In 1901, in the year that Grace B Land was born, the first Nobel Prizes were awarded. Chemist and engineer Alfred Nobel, who died in 1896, had provided in his will for prizes in physics, chemistry, and physiology or medicine, who have produced the most distinguished literary work of an idealist tendency, and who have contributed the most toward world peace. The winners in 1901 were: Wilhelm Conrad Röntgen for physics, Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff for chemistry, Emil Adolf von Behring for physiology or medicine, Sully Prudhomme for literature, and Jean Henry Dunant and Frédéric Passy for peace.
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Did you know?
In 1919, Grace was 18 years old when in January, Nebraska was the 36th state to ratify the 18th Amendment, making it the law of the land. The 18th Amendment established Prohibition - a law against the production, transport, and sale of alcohol. Private consumption and possession were not prohibited. Several months later, the Volstead Act was passed, creating laws to enforce the Amendment. Bootlegging and bathtub gin followed.
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