Neoma Leslie (1923 - 2001) - Portland, OR | Genealogy & Family History


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Neoma Leslie 1923 - 2001

Neoma Leslie of Portland, Multnomah County, OR was born on May 7, 1923, and died at age 78 years old on May 16, 2001.
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Neoma Leslie
Portland, Multnomah County, OR 97217
May 7, 1923
May 16, 2001
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Neoma Leslie's History: 1923 - 2001

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Did you know?
In 1923, in the year that Neoma Leslie was born, on August 2nd, Calvin Coolidge was sworn in as the 30th President of the United States due to the sudden death of Warren G. Harding. After the scandals of the Harding presidency, Coolidge restored public confidence and was very popular. He won the Presidential election in 1924 but declined to run again in 1928.
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Did you know?
In 1931, Neoma was only 8 years old when on May 1st, the Empire State Building opened in New York City. At 1,454 feet (including the roof and antenna), it was the tallest building in the world until the World Trade Center's North Tower was built in 1970. (It is now the 34th tallest.) Opening at the beginning of the Great Depression, most of the offices in the Empire State Building remained unoccupied for years and the observation deck was an equal source of revenue and kept the building profitable.
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