Tony W Leal (1907 - 1996) - Sausalito, CA | Genealogy & Family History
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Tony W Leal 1907 - 1996

Tony W Leal of Sausalito, Marin County, CA was born on November 19, 1907, and died at age 88 years old on April 6, 1996.
Tony W Leal
Sausalito, Marin County, CA 94965
November 19, 1907
April 6, 1996
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Tony W Leal's History: 1907 - 1996

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Did you know?
In 1907, in the year that Tony W Leal was born, the second Hague peace conference was called by Russia in the Netherlands. While nothing was settled regarding the matter of peace among nations, many resolutions were passed (and accepted by many nations) about the conventions of war - especially the protection of noncombatants.
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Did you know?
In 1912, he was only 5 years old when the Girl Scouts of the USA was started by Juliette Gordon Low with the help of Sir Robert Baden-Powell, the founder of Boy Scouts in Great Britain. She said after a meeting with Baden-Powell, "I've got something for the girls of Savannah, and all of America, and all the world, and we're going to start it tonight!" And she did.
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