Gross Family History & Genealogy
Gross Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Spellings & Pronunciations
Alternate spellings could be: Grisa, Grist, Grise, Grass, Griso
Nationality & Ethnicity
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Year boor states:
"This year's hockey teams will always be remembered for their fast and well played games due to the influence of very enthusiastic captains and a competent coach, Miss Mayer...the girls uniforms were as follows: purple for the seniors, red for the juniors and green for the lower classmen!"
People in photo include: Helen Patton and Esther Blum
Gross Family Tree
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Gross Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Gross family member is 74.0 years old according to our database of 30,610 people with the last name Gross that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Grosses
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The children of Garland and Anna did not stay with Anna after Garland's death, they went orphanges. Anna eventually re married however the only thing that I know is that he was called Blacky or Blackie, a knick name.
I am wanting to know my family history and where they came from, Anna died 1 January 1955.
Please contact if you know who and where and pictures would be greatly welcomed.
Sara Jo