
Gross Family History & Genealogy

32,974 biographies and 35 photos with the Gross last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Gross family members.

Gross Last Name History & Origin



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Name Origin

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Spellings & Pronunciations

Alternate spellings could be: Grisa, Grist, Grise, Grass, Griso

Nationality & Ethnicity

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Early Grosses

These are the earliest records we have of the Gross family.

Freeman Gross was born in 1709, and died at age 33 years old in 1742. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Freeman Gross.
Charles Gross was born in 1808 at Shoreditch in Greater London County, England United Kingdom. He married Susan Gross, and they had children Emma (Gross) Hierons and Mary Ann (Gross) Caigou-Grant. Charles' partner was Bridget Biddy (Scanlen) Hackett-Gross, and they had a child Charles Gross Jr.. Charles Gross died at age 84 years old on September 3, 1893. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Charles Gross.
Susan Gross was born in 1817, and died at age 37 years old on August 8, 1855 at Campbells Creek VIC, Australia in Campbells Creek, Mount Alexander Shire County, VIC Australia. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Susan Gross.
Emma (Gross) Hierons was born in 1833, and died at age 64 years old in 1897. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Emma (Gross) Hierons.
Mary Ann (Gross) Caigou was born in 1838, and died at age 60 years old on October 6, 1899 in Quarry Hill, Greater Bendigo City County, VIC Australia. Mary Caigou was buried at Bendigo Cemetery 70 Carpenter St, in Quarry Hill. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary Ann (Gross) Caigou-Grant.
Martha  Gross
Martha Gross was born in 1846. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Martha Gross.
James  Gross
James Gross was born in 1846. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember James Gross.
Sarah E Gross
Sarah E Gross was born on December 24, 1848. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Sarah E Gross.
Ludwig Phillip Gross was born on November 12, 1853, and died at age 45 years old on April 17, 1899. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Ludwig Phillip Gross .
Christine Maria (Ischar) Gross of Texas United States was born on October 18, 1857. She was in a relationship with Ludwig Phillip Gross, and had children Karl Bernhardt Gross, Eugene George Gross, Lina Sophia (Gross) Zesch, Louise Gross Otte, Emma Gross Zesch, Bertha Pauline (Gross) Probst, Amelia Mathilda (Gross) Reichenau, Ida Marie (Gross) Kensing, William Frederick Gross, and Meta Carolyn (Gross) Eckert. Christine Gross died at age 87 years old on December 13, 1944.
Charles Gross Jr. was born in 1863, and died at age 4 years old in 1867. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Charles Gross Jr..
Frida Gross of Hamden, New Haven County, CT was born on March 17, 1863, and died at age 107 years old in April 1970.

Gross Family Photos

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Gross Family Tree

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Updated Gross Biographies

Marcia Rae Hopkins
Marcia Rae (Gross) Hopkins of New York, New York United States was born on December 2, 1949.
Thomas Gross of Iuka, Tishomingo County, Mississippi was born on August 23, 1917, and died at age 66 years old in October 1983.
George Michael Gross of Oroville, Butte County, California was born on March 21, 1927, and died at age 83 years old on July 23, 2010 at Orchard Hospital 240 Spruce St, in Gridley.
Lavora Gross of Saint Louis, Saint Louis County, MO was born on April 24, 1906, and died at age 92 years old on February 7, 1999. Lavora Gross was buried at United Hebrew Cemetery 7855 Canton Ave, in St. Louis, St. Louis County.
Hedwig (Gross) Kohane of Willow River, Minnesota United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember hedwig kohane.
Thomas Gross
Thomas Gross was born on April 24, 1936 in Czechia, and died at age 7 years old on September 8, 1943 at Auschwitz Death Camp in Poland. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Thomas Gross.
Louisa Maria (Gross) Mills of Horsham, Horsham Rural City County, VIC Australia was born in 1873 in Germantown, Alpine Shire County, and died at age 72 years old on June 2, 1946 in Horsham, Horsham Rural City County.
Dorcas E Gross was born on April 18, 1952, and died at age 47 years old on April 17, 2000. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Dorcas E Gross.
Laton Gross was born on July 16, 1933, and died at age 58 years old on August 19, 1991. Laton Gross was buried at Willamette National Cemetery Section V Site 3933 11800 Se Mt. Scott Boulevard, in Portland, Or. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Laton Gross.
Sidney Gross was born on June 12, 1931 in Evanston, Illinois United States to Carl S Sorsen and Carolyn L Sorsen, and had a brother Spencer “Pete” Sorsen. Sidney Gross died at age 85 years old on March 25, 2017. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Sidney Sorsen .
Ida Marie (Gross) Kensing of Mason, Mason County, Texas was born on August 21, 1894, and died at age 87 years old on November 19, 1981 in Mason. Ida Kensing was buried at Old Gooch Cemetery in Mason.
Ida Marie (Gross) Kensing of Mason, Texas United States was born on June 21, 1894 to Ludwig Phillip Gross and Christine Maria (Ischar) Gross. She had siblings Karl Bernhardt Gross, Eugene George Gross, Lina Sophia (Gross) Zesch, Louise Gross Otte, Bertha Pauline (Gross) Probst, Amelia Mathilda (Gross) Reichenau, William Frederick Gross, Meta Carolyn (Gross) Eckert, and Emma Gross Zesch. She married Alfred William Kensing on December 24, 1913 in Mason County, and they were married until Alfred's death on October 16, 1955 in Mason. She had children Ernest Eddie Kensing and Esther Lucille (Kensing) Jordan. Ida Kensing died at age 87 years old on November 16, 1981.
Meta Carolyn (Gross) Eckert was born on June 10, 1899 in Mason, Texas United States, and died at age 30 years old on March 13, 1930. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Meta Carolyn (Gross) Eckert.
William Frederick Gross was born on February 24, 1897, and died at age 80 years old on December 4, 1977. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William Frederick Gross.
Amelia Mathilda Gross Reichneau was my great aunt. When my father, Lee Roy William Kensing was about 4, Aunt Mathilda needed help with her cabbage patch. The patch was rather large and intended to make sauerkraut. Worms had invaded and she asked Papa if he would help treat the patch to get rid of the worms. Of course he would help. Aunt Mathilda poured some kerosene into a coffee can, showed Papa how to take the cabbage thieving worms off the plants, dip them in the kerosene, and discard the deceased worm on the ground. Yep! He could do it! He treated several rows, as instructed and it appeared they would have sauerkraut! Yummy! And now the rest of the story…little boys get tired and think there must be a faster way. Ah ha! Just pour a little of the kerosene directly onto the worm. Still kills the worm - but the cabbage patch was a total loss. Aunt Mathilda wasn’t upset with him. She said he was so happy to help. They would plant again next year! That’s a very patient and loving aunt. I loved her before I ever knew this story.
Bertha Pauline (Gross) Probst was born on October 29, 1890 to Ludwig Phillip Gross and Christine Maria (Ischar) Gross, and had siblings Ida Marie (Gross) Kensing, Karl Bernhardt Gross, Eugene George Gross, Lina Sophia (Gross) Zesch, Louise Gross Otte, Amelia Mathilda (Gross) Reichenau, William Frederick Gross, Meta Carolyn (Gross) Eckert, and Emma Gross Zesch. Bertha Probst died at age 91 years old on September 5, 1982. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Bertha Pauline (Gross) Probst.
Lina Sophia (Gross) Zesch was born on April 20, 1883 in Texas United States, and died at age 84 years old on October 27, 1967. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lina Sophia (Gross) Zesch.
Eugene George Gross was born on April 12, 1881 to Ludwig Phillip Gross and Christine Maria (Ischar) Gross, and had siblings Ida Marie (Gross) Kensing, Karl Bernhardt Gross, Lina Sophia (Gross) Zesch, Louise Gross Otte, Bertha Pauline (Gross) Probst, Amelia Mathilda (Gross) Reichenau, William Frederick Gross, Meta Carolyn (Gross) Eckert, and Emma Gross Zesch. Eugene Gross died at age 52 years old on April 25, 1933. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Eugene George Gross.
Karl Bernhardt Gross was born on July 10, 1879, and died at age 41 years old on September 27, 1920. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Karl Bernhardt Gross.
Christine Maria (Ischar) Gross of Texas United States was born on October 18, 1857. She was in a relationship with Ludwig Phillip Gross, and had children Karl Bernhardt Gross, Eugene George Gross, Lina Sophia (Gross) Zesch, Louise Gross Otte, Emma Gross Zesch, Bertha Pauline (Gross) Probst, Amelia Mathilda (Gross) Reichenau, Ida Marie (Gross) Kensing, William Frederick Gross, and Meta Carolyn (Gross) Eckert. Christine Gross died at age 87 years old on December 13, 1944.

Popular Gross Biographies

Mary Frederica (Gross) Dudley
Mary Frederica (Gross) Dudley was in a relationship with Ray Lofton Dudley Sr, and has children Ray Lofton Dudley Jr, Bayard Turner (Gross) Dudley, Bill Dudley, and Margaret (Dudley) Cashman. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mary Frederica (Gross) Dudley.
Thomas Gross
Thomas Gross was born on April 24, 1936 in Czechia, and died at age 7 years old on September 8, 1943 at Auschwitz Death Camp in Poland. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Thomas Gross.
Willie Gross
Willie Gross of Evergreen, Conecuh County, Alabama was born on September 23, 1896, and died at age 70 years old in June 1967.
Belle (Tipton) Gross
Belle (Tipton) Gross of Zoe, Lee County, KY was born on December 27, 1899, and died at age 74 years old in February 1974.
William Gross
William Gross was born in 1895. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember William Gross.
Albert Gross of Evergreen, Conecuh County, AL was born on November 25, 1923, and died at age 82 years old on December 23, 2005.
Albert Gross of Encinitas, San Diego County, CA was born on October 17, 1903, and died at age 105 years old on December 26, 2008.
Mitchell Jay Gross was born on December 5, 1957 in New York City, New York County, New York United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Mitchell Jay Gross.
Thomas Gross was born in Jarrettsville, Maryland United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Thomas Gross.
Stephen David Gross was born on September 2, 1953 in New York City, New York County, New York United States to Jerome Philip Gross and Phyllis Kathryn Gross, and had siblings Susan Carol Brandell, Mitchell Jay Gross, and Richard Francis Gross. He married Vivian Louise Gross in 1987 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, California, and they were married until Stephen's death on July 28, 1995 in Los Angeles. He had children Jessica Rachel Gross and Kaitlin Samantha Gross. Stephen Gross was buried on August 1, 1995 in Los Angeles. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Stephen David Gross.
Samuel Ackerman Gross was married to Adele B (Blanchard) Gross, and has a child Ruth N Gross. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Samuel Ackerman Gross.
Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Marty gross jr.
Maryke Gross
Maryke Gross was born in 1939 in Tečovice, Zlín District County, Zlin Region Czechia, and died at age 4 years old in March 1944 at Auschwitz-Birkenau Nazi Concentration Camp and Museum 20 Więźniów Oświęcimia, in Oświęcim, Powiat oświęcimski County, Małopolskie Poland. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Maryke Gross.
Anna (Belogolovsky) Gross was born on April 28, 1896 to Leiser Belogolovsky and Bryna (Edelman) Belogolovsky, and had siblings Morris Samuel Belogolovsky, Henrietta (Belogolovsky) Rich, Isidor Belogolovsky, and Abraham Belogolovsky. Anna Gross married Maxwell Gross, and died at age 81 years old in January 1978. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Anna (Belogolovsky) Gross.
John Parrish Gross was born on March 21, 1963 at Savannah, Georgia to Charles Allen Gross Jr, III and Carolyn Virginia Parrish, and has siblings Edward R Gross, Charles Allen Gross IV, Elizabeth Virginia Gross, and Evelyn Diane Gross. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Parrish Gross.
Alice (Gross) Behnke was born in Milwaukee, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin United States, and died in Hartford, Washington County. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Alice (Gross) Behnke.
Ashley Jean Gross was born on November 15, 1957 in Bemidji, Minnesota United States. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Ashley Jean Gross.
Jerome Philip Gross was born on October 20, 1929 in The Bronx, Bronx County, New York United States, and died at age 83 years old on April 22, 2013 in Wayne, Passaic County, NJ. Jerome Gross was buried on April 24, 2013 at Beth Israel Cemetery 1098 Woodbridge Center Dr, in Woodbridge Township, Middlesex County. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jerome Philip Gross.
Robert Allen Gross was married to Karen A. (Bagley) Gross. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Robert Allen Gross.
Louisa Maria (Gross) Mills of Horsham, Horsham Rural City County, VIC Australia was born in 1873 in Germantown, Alpine Shire County, and died at age 72 years old on June 2, 1946 in Horsham, Horsham Rural City County.

Gross Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Gross family member is 74.0 years old according to our database of 30,610 people with the last name Gross that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

74.0 years

Oldest Grosses

These are the longest-lived members of the Gross family on AncientFaces.

John Gross was born on May 21, 1864, and died at age 115 years old in May 1979. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember John Gross.
114 years
Minnie Gross of Silver Spring, Montgomery County, MD was born on December 12, 1882, and died at age 107 years old on September 10, 1990.
107 years
Minnie Gross of Portland, Multnomah County, OR was born on October 12, 1890, and died at age 107 years old on February 14, 1998.
107 years
Frida Gross of Hamden, New Haven County, CT was born on March 17, 1863, and died at age 107 years old in April 1970.
107 years
Martha Gross of Clifton, Passaic County, NJ was born on October 12, 1902, and died at age 105 years old on March 15, 2008.
105 years
Julia Gross of Brookfield, Waukesha County, Wisconsin was born on June 29, 1878, and died at age 106 years old in August 1984.
106 years
Emerick Gross of Brooklyn, Kings County, NY was born on January 7, 1896, and died at age 106 years old on December 15, 2002.
106 years
Tekla Gross of Brooklyn, Kings County, NY was born in August 1870, and died at age 105 years old in October 1975.
105 years
Mae Gross of Saint Louis, Saint Louis County, MO was born on September 27, 1897, and died at age 105 years old on October 18, 2002.
105 years
Herbert Gross of Salem, Columbiana County, Ohio was born on November 6, 1865, and died at age 104 years old in June 1970.
104 years
Fannie Gross of Lake Worth, Palm Beach County, FL was born on September 20, 1895, and died at age 104 years old on March 21, 2000.
104 years
Regina Gross was born on July 21, 1886, and died at age 105 years old on September 24, 1991. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Regina Gross.
105 years

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Galand Davis Gross was born 6 May 1902. He died 2 December 1939 when a tree fell on him. Garland Davis Gross was married to Anna Josephine Funk, she was born 27 September 1904. They had seven children: Carmen, Norma Lee, Marrion "Mac" married Mary lucille Curtis in 1949 and had five children, Melba, Fred Eugene (my grandfather) married Sara Jo Boone (direct descendant of Israel Boone brother of the Daniel Boone), Garland Darryl, and Francis Mae.

The children of Garland and Anna did not stay with Anna after Garland's death, they went orphanges. Anna eventually re married however the only thing that I know is that he was called Blacky or Blackie, a knick name.

I am wanting to know my family history and where they came from, Anna died 1 January 1955.
Please contact if you know who and where and pictures would be greatly welcomed.

Sara Jo

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