Harmon Family History & Genealogy
Harmon Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Spellings & Pronunciations
Alternate spellings may be Harmonson, Harmann, Hermann, or Harmon.
Nationality & Ethnicity
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Early Harmons
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Harmon Family Members
Harmon Family Photos
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Gladys Louise HARMON was b. 23 Oct 1898 in Kirtland, OH to parents Granville H. HARMON (1853-1931) and Mary Clara BUSCHER or BUESCHER (1865-1953) who were married 26 May 1886 in Cuyahoga Co., OH. Gladys was one of four children born to this couple including Reuben F.; Granville Henry Jr.; Hilda H.; and Gladys Louise HARMON all born between 1887 and 1898. Gladys had a son, George G. HARMON (1915-1957). Gladys died 2 Nov 1983 in Sioux City, IA and is buried in the Memorial Park Cemetery in that city.
I would love to get this beautiful treasure back to family and would appreciate you contacting me if you are a member of this family or know someone who might be.
Name Harriet Belle Dickinson
Gender Female
Race White
Birth Date 17 Apr 1906
Birth Place Buxton, Maine
Residence Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
Death Date 2 Dec 1977
Death Place Houston, Harris, Texas, USA
Father Moses Harmon
Mother Celia G Dunphy
Certificate Number92723
People in photo include: Verna Harmon
People in photo include: Kristy Harmon and James Harmon
People in photo include: Kenny Hill, Virginia (Caldwell) Harmon, and Edison Caldwell
Need information on this picture
People in photo include: William M. Harmon and Emily Jane (Eldridge) Harmon
People in photo include: William Milton Harmon
Photo found in an antique store in Seattle, Washington. I am not a relative of this family.
Harmon Family Tree
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Harmon Death Records & Life Expectancy
The average age of a Harmon family member is 71.0 years old according to our database of 26,237 people with the last name Harmon that have a birth and death date listed.
Life Expectancy
Oldest Harmons
These are the longest-lived members of the Harmon family on AncientFaces.
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