Haughter Family History & Genealogy
Haughter Last Name History & Origin
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Name Origin
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Spellings & Pronunciations
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Nationality & Ethnicity
Ireland. This surname is Irish originating in North Tipperary . In "cooks history of Birr"
Haughter surname is listed a number of times in the Cromwellian era tenant lists.
In Aglish churchyard about 12km. From Birr ther are Haughter burials dating around 1750.
The surname then seems to have spelling altered to phonetic "Hoctor" about 1820
But thread of surnames persist, Patrick,James Denis,John. All Haughters and Hoctors
Are buried in same section. It's just possible that if your name is Haughter, and living outside
Ireland that your ancestors emigrated when name was as earlier spelling as this branch seems to have died out in Ireland and only Hoctor spelled name persists.
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Early Haughters
Haughter Family Members
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Haughter Family Photos
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