
Haumann Family History & Genealogy

90 biographies and photos with the Haumann last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Haumann family members.

Haumann Last Name History & Origin



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Name Origin

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Early Haumanns

These are the earliest records we have of the Haumann family.

Maple C Haumann of Caldwell, Canyon County, ID was born on July 21, 1881, and died at age 84 years old on June 15, 1966.
Martin Haumann of California was born on February 2, 1884, and died at age 81 years old in September 1965.
Martha Haumann of Uniondale, Nassau County, NY was born on November 4, 1886, and died at age 84 years old in March 1971.
Mathias Haumann of Zion, Lake County, Illinois was born on March 2, 1886, and died at age 82 years old in December 1968.
Martin Haumann of New York was born on February 8, 1888, and died at age 75 years old in March 1963.
Anna Haumann of Chicago, Cook County, Illinois was born on April 11, 1890, and died at age 85 years old in May 1975.
George Haumann of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon was born on February 28, 1891, and died at age 93 years old in February 1984.
Jacob Haumann of Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA was born on November 9, 1892, and died at age 85 years old in July 1978.
Oscar Haumann of Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho was born on March 8, 1893, and died at age 74 years old in March 1967.
Anna Haumann of North Brunswick, Middlesex County, NJ was born on October 3, 1893, and died at age 82 years old in January 1976.
Peter Haumann of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio was born on June 28, 1894, and died at age 76 years old in July 1970.
Theodore Haumann of Richland, Benton County, Washington was born on April 7, 1895, and died at age 73 years old in April 1968.

Haumann Family Members

Haumann Family Photos

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Haumann Family Tree

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Updated Haumann Biographies

Keith J Haumann of Canyon County, Idaho United States was born on August 4, 1922, and died at age 90 years old on September 16, 2012. Keith Haumann was buried at Idaho State Veterans Cemetery Section 1 Row L Site 749 10100 N. Horseshoe Bend Rd., in Boise.
Martin Jr Haumann of San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA was born on December 4, 1921, and died at age 79 years old on May 31, 2001.
Frank Haumann of Syracuse, Onondaga County, NY was born on August 20, 1913, and died at age 89 years old on August 27, 2002.
Edgar G Haumann was born on June 13, 1908, and died at age 81 years old on July 26, 1989. Edgar Haumann was buried at Riverside National Cemetery Section B Site 108 22495 Van Buren Boulevard, in Riverside, Ca.
Katherine Haumann of Orlando, Orange County, FL was born on October 2, 1921, and died at age 74 years old on November 28, 1995. Katherine Haumann was buried at Florida National Cemetery Section 312 Site 238 6502 Sw. 102nd Ave., in Bushnell.
Frank A Haumann of Kennesaw, Cobb County, GA was born on January 7, 1916, and died at age 85 years old on August 20, 2001. Frank Haumann was buried at Florida National Cemetery Section 312 Site 238 6502 Sw. 102nd Ave., in Bushnell, Fl.
Kevin D Haumann of Dallas County, TX was born circa 1960. Kevin Haumann was married to Cynthia L. (Nipper) Haumann on November 3, 1984 in Dallas County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Kevin D. Haumann.
Cynthia L Haumann of TX was born circa 1964. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Cynthia L. (Nipper) Haumann.
Mary Haumann of California was born on February 25, 1898, and died at age 86 years old in November 1984.
Martin Haumann of California was born on February 2, 1884, and died at age 81 years old in September 1965.
Lucretia D Haumann of Lakewood, Pierce County, WA was born on March 19, 1935, and died at age 68 years old on December 20, 2003.
Arthur Haumann of Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington was born on June 3, 1904, and died at age 71 years old in February 1976.
Agnes Marie Haumann of Olympia, Thurston County, Washington was born on December 4, 1912, and died at age 96 years old on May 16, 2009.
Ada C Haumann of Lakewood, Pierce County, WA was born on July 14, 1906, and died at age 92 years old on May 22, 1999.
Axel Haumann of Olympia, Thurston County, Washington was born on March 2, 1906, and died at age 75 years old in March 1981.
Theodore Haumann of Richland, Benton County, Washington was born on April 7, 1895, and died at age 73 years old in April 1968.
Juanita Haumann of Caldwell, Canyon County, Idaho was born on September 24, 1899, and died at age 80 years old in April 1980.
Dorothy J Haumann of New Plymouth, Payette County, ID was born on August 21, 1915, and died at age 92 years old on September 8, 2007.
Evelin N Haumann of Nampa, Canyon County, ID was born on May 19, 1920, and died at age 86 years old on June 18, 2006.
Carl F Haumann of Raymond, Pacific County, WA was born on April 28, 1918, and died at age 89 years old on April 30, 2007.

Popular Haumann Biographies

Agnes Marie Haumann of Olympia, Thurston County, Washington was born on December 4, 1912, and died at age 96 years old on May 16, 2009.
Margaret J Haumann of Chelsea, Suffolk County, MA was born on August 18, 1909, and died at age 88 years old on April 29, 1998.
Anna Haumann of Evanston, Cook County, Illinois was born on February 24, 1901, and died at age 77 years old in January 1979.
John Haumann of Johnston, Providence County, RI was born on February 20, 1929, and died at age 55 years old in March 1984.
Marie L Haumann of Oneida, Madison County, NY was born on March 11, 1938, and died at age 51 years old on December 14, 1989.
Stefan Haumann of Westlake, Cuyahoga County, Ohio was born on April 19, 1904, and died at age 77 years old in July 1981.
George Haumann of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon was born on February 28, 1891, and died at age 93 years old in February 1984.
Pauline Haumann of Trenton, Mercer County, NJ was born on February 25, 1912, and died at age 68 years old in August 1980.
Katherine Haumann of Orlando, Orange County, FL was born on October 2, 1921, and died at age 74 years old on November 28, 1995. Katherine Haumann was buried at Florida National Cemetery Section 312 Site 238 6502 Sw. 102nd Ave., in Bushnell.
Harriet Haumann of Huntington Station, Suffolk County, NY was born on July 31, 1921, and died at age 65 years old in August 1986.
Margaret Haumann was born on December 18, 1898, and died at age 91 years old on March 7, 1990. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Margaret Haumann.
Albert Haumann of Syracuse, Onondaga County, NY was born on May 31, 1909, and died at age 74 years old in December 1983.
George M Haumann of Greenwood, Johnson County, Indiana was born on September 16, 1923, and died at age 87 years old on January 13, 2011.
Francis T Haumann of Gardner, Worcester County, MA was born on January 4, 1929, and died at age 78 years old on August 12, 2007.
Martin Haumann of California was born on February 2, 1884, and died at age 81 years old in September 1965.
Kevin D Haumann of Dallas County, TX was born circa 1960. Kevin Haumann was married to Cynthia L. (Nipper) Haumann on November 3, 1984 in Dallas County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Kevin D. Haumann.
Joseph Haumann of Dania, Broward County, FL was born on January 23, 1926, and died at age 75 years old on September 22, 2001.
Martha Haumann of Uniondale, Nassau County, NY was born on November 4, 1886, and died at age 84 years old in March 1971.
Rhonda Haumann of Caldwell, Canyon County, ID was born on October 4, 1929, and died at age 68 years old on June 6, 1998.
Harry V Haumann of Cranford, Union County, NJ was born on June 5, 1927, and died at age 68 years old on April 17, 1996.

Haumann Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Haumann family member is 77.0 years old according to our database of 88 people with the last name Haumann that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

77.0 years

Oldest Haumanns

These are the longest-lived members of the Haumann family on AncientFaces.

Agnes Marie Haumann of Olympia, Thurston County, Washington was born on December 4, 1912, and died at age 96 years old on May 16, 2009.
96 years
Augusta Haumann of Rome, Oneida County, NY was born on July 17, 1908, and died at age 95 years old on May 27, 2004.
95 years
Ada C Haumann of Lakewood, Pierce County, WA was born on July 14, 1906, and died at age 92 years old on May 22, 1999.
92 years
George Haumann of Portland, Multnomah County, Oregon was born on February 28, 1891, and died at age 93 years old in February 1984.
92 years
Margaret Haumann was born on December 18, 1898, and died at age 91 years old on March 7, 1990. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Margaret Haumann.
91 years
Josephine Haumann of Providence, Providence County, RI was born on July 22, 1905, and died at age 92 years old on September 9, 1997.
92 years
Dorothy J Haumann of New Plymouth, Payette County, ID was born on August 21, 1915, and died at age 92 years old on September 8, 2007.
92 years
Darleigh L Haumann of San Francisco, San Francisco County, CA was born on October 24, 1914, and died at age 92 years old on December 18, 2006.
92 years
Keith J Haumann of Canyon County, Idaho United States was born on August 4, 1922, and died at age 90 years old on September 16, 2012. Keith Haumann was buried at Idaho State Veterans Cemetery Section 1 Row L Site 749 10100 N. Horseshoe Bend Rd., in Boise.
90 years
Carl F Haumann of Raymond, Pacific County, WA was born on April 28, 1918, and died at age 89 years old on April 30, 2007.
89 years
Margaret J Haumann of Chelsea, Suffolk County, MA was born on August 18, 1909, and died at age 88 years old on April 29, 1998.
88 years
John Haumann of Troy, Oakland County, MI was born on July 1, 1921, and died at age 88 years old on February 13, 2010.
88 years

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