
Liedy Family History & Genealogy

50 biographies and photos with the Liedy last name. Discover the family history, nationality, origin and common names of Liedy family members.

Liedy Last Name History & Origin



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Name Origin

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Early Liedies

These are the earliest records we have of the Liedy family.

Minnie Liedy of New York was born on May 23, 1871, and died at age 91 years old in January 1963.
Ida Liedy of Tonawanda, Erie County, NY was born on March 31, 1884, and died at age 87 years old in February 1972.
Esmeralda I Liedy was born on May 12, 1896, and died at age 102 years old on January 1, 1999. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Esmeralda I Liedy.
Iris E Liedy was born on April 26, 1898, and died at age 64 years old on August 10, 1962. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Iris E Liedy.
Ellen D Liedy of Littleton, Arapahoe County, CO was born on July 26, 1900, and died at age 96 years old on March 15, 1997.
Matthew M Liedy of Huntsville, Madison County, AL was born on May 13, 1902, and died at age 85 years old on November 28, 1987.
Frances Liedy of Beachwood, Cuyahoga County, Ohio was born on September 24, 1902, and died at age 83 years old in December 1985.
Lucy C Liedy of Huntsville, Madison County, AL was born on November 17, 1903, and died at age 89 years old in June 1993.
Marvin Liedy of Tonawanda, Erie County, NY was born on July 3, 1904, and died at age 70 years old in January 1975.
Versie V Liedy of Belington, Barbour County, WV was born on March 5, 1905, and died at age 91 years old on January 3, 1997.
Robert Liedy of Johnston City, Williamson County, Illinois was born on June 17, 1905, and died at age 65 years old in November 1970.
Martin V Liedy of Cumberland, Allegany County, MD was born on August 14, 1908, and died at age 86 years old on November 30, 1994.

Liedy Family Members

Liedy Family Photos

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Liedy Family Tree

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Updated Liedy Biographies

Ursel Liedy of Overton, Rusk County, TX was born on September 1, 1936, and died at age 68 years old on August 3, 2005.
Pamela D Liedy of TX was born circa 1970. Pamela Liedy was married to Patrick I. Liedy on February 3, 1990 in Harris County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Pamela D. (Davis) Liedy.
Patrick I Liedy of Harris County, TX was born circa 1965. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Patrick I. Liedy.
Debra D Liedy of TX was born circa 1958. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Debra D. (James) Liedy.
Alexander B Liedy of Galveston County, TX was born circa 1959. Alexander Liedy was married to Debra D. (James) Liedy on July 9, 1988 in Galveston County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Alexander B. Liedy.
Verna R Liedy of TX was born circa 1947. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Verna R. (Spearman) Liedy.
Ursel Liedy of Houston County, TX was born circa 1937. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Ursel Liedy.
Sheila R Liedy of TX was born circa 1954. Sheila Liedy was married to Gerald T. Liedy on August 27, 1977 in Jefferson County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Sheila R. (Milburn) Liedy.
Gerald T Liedy of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1956. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Gerald T. Liedy.
Susan Liedy of TX was born circa 1953. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Susan (Rhymes) Liedy.
Michael D Liedy of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1953. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Michael D. Liedy.
Jessie M Liedy of TX was born circa 1936. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jessie M. (Clayton) Liedy.
Michael D Liedy Jr of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1977. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Michael D. Liedy Jr.
Treva S Liedy of TX was born circa 1978. Treva Liedy was married to Michael D. Liedy Jr on January 1, 2009 in Jefferson County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Treva S. (Johnson) Liedy.
Gerald T Liedy of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1980. Gerald Liedy was married to Lawanna S. (Rideaux) Liedy on February 11, 2006 in Jefferson County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Gerald T. Liedy.
Lawanna S Liedy of TX was born circa 1978. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Lawanna S. (Rideaux) Liedy.
Jocelyn R Liedy of TX was born circa 1973. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Jocelyn R. (Anderson) Liedy.
Marlon D Liedy of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1979. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Marlon D. Liedy.
Michael D Liedy Jr of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1976. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Michael D. Liedy Jr.
Andria L Liedy of TX was born circa 1980. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Andria L. (Mckinney) Liedy.

Popular Liedy Biographies

Tyrus Liedy was born on November 7, 1929, and died at age 51 years old in April 1981. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Tyrus Liedy.
Debra D Liedy of TX was born circa 1958. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Debra D. (James) Liedy.
Andria L Liedy of TX was born circa 1980. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Andria L. (Mckinney) Liedy.
Pamela D Liedy of TX was born circa 1970. Pamela Liedy was married to Patrick I. Liedy on February 3, 1990 in Harris County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Pamela D. (Davis) Liedy.
Susan Liedy of TX was born circa 1953. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Susan (Rhymes) Liedy.
James E Liedy of Tallahassee, Leon County, FL was born on May 28, 1922, and died at age 80 years old on February 23, 2003.
Edna R Liedy of Elkins, Randolph County, WV was born on January 28, 1934, and died at age 67 years old on April 15, 2001.
Michael D Liedy Jr of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1976. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Michael D. Liedy Jr.
Edward Liedy was born on March 2, 1909, and died at age 79 years old on October 18, 1988. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Edward Liedy.
Sheila R Liedy of TX was born circa 1954. Sheila Liedy was married to Gerald T. Liedy on August 27, 1977 in Jefferson County, TX. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Sheila R. (Milburn) Liedy.
Marvin Liedy of Tonawanda, Erie County, NY was born on July 3, 1904, and died at age 70 years old in January 1975.
Louis Liedy of Staten Island, Richmond County, NY was born on October 24, 1915, and died at age 71 years old in February 1987.
Michael D Liedy Jr of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1977. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Michael D. Liedy Jr.
Michael D Liedy of Jefferson County, TX was born circa 1953. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Michael D. Liedy.
Ursel Liedy of Houston County, TX was born circa 1937. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Ursel Liedy.
Patrick I Liedy of Harris County, TX was born circa 1965. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Patrick I. Liedy.
Charles J Liedy of Hazlet, Monmouth County, NJ was born on November 11, 1934, and died at age 67 years old on October 7, 2002.
Ursel Liedy of Overton, Rusk County, TX was born on September 1, 1936, and died at age 68 years old on August 3, 2005.
Dorothy Liedy of Cumberland, Allegany County, MD was born on June 9, 1915, and died at age 90 years old on October 15, 2005.
Ida Liedy of Tonawanda, Erie County, NY was born on March 31, 1884, and died at age 87 years old in February 1972.

Liedy Death Records & Life Expectancy

The average age of a Liedy family member is 77.0 years old according to our database of 31 people with the last name Liedy that have a birth and death date listed.

Life Expectancy

77.0 years

Oldest Liedies

These are the longest-lived members of the Liedy family on AncientFaces.

Esmeralda I Liedy was born on May 12, 1896, and died at age 102 years old on January 1, 1999. Family, friend, or fan, this family history biography is for you to remember Esmeralda I Liedy.
102 years
Ellen D Liedy of Littleton, Arapahoe County, CO was born on July 26, 1900, and died at age 96 years old on March 15, 1997.
96 years
Dorothy Liedy of Buffalo, Erie County, NY was born on April 11, 1910, and died at age 95 years old on November 29, 2005.
95 years
Minnie Liedy of New York was born on May 23, 1871, and died at age 91 years old in January 1963.
91 years
Versie V Liedy of Belington, Barbour County, WV was born on March 5, 1905, and died at age 91 years old on January 3, 1997.
91 years
Dorothy Liedy of Cumberland, Allegany County, MD was born on June 9, 1915, and died at age 90 years old on October 15, 2005.
90 years
Lucy C Liedy of Huntsville, Madison County, AL was born on November 17, 1903, and died at age 89 years old in June 1993.
89 years
Ida Liedy of Tonawanda, Erie County, NY was born on March 31, 1884, and died at age 87 years old in February 1972.
87 years
Martin V Liedy of Cumberland, Allegany County, MD was born on August 14, 1908, and died at age 86 years old on November 30, 1994.
86 years
Ruth M Liedy of Staten Island, Richmond County, NY was born on February 8, 1913, and died at age 86 years old on April 9, 1999.
86 years
Matthew M Liedy of Huntsville, Madison County, AL was born on May 13, 1902, and died at age 85 years old on November 28, 1987.
85 years
Frances Liedy of Beachwood, Cuyahoga County, Ohio was born on September 24, 1902, and died at age 83 years old in December 1985.
83 years

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