This series is a children’s version of Homer’s Odyssey. Its setting is the 31st century, so instead of having Odysseus facing witches and sea monsters in the ancient Greek Archipelagos, he is dealing with aliens and robots in uncharted regions of space.
It was made in collaboration with France, so it looks way ahead of its time in aesthetics. There is a lot of fine animation, atmospheric music and cool looking visual effects. Odysseus’s spaceship and laser gun-sword are awesome. The depiction of space, accompanied by gloomy music themes is truly spine chilling. The ever-presence of the Olympic Gods in the form of huge, stale, semi-apparent figures is very imposing. Most monsters are cloaked in an aura of fear. I must say, for a series that is supposed to aim at kids, it is quite scary. Kids watching this may have nightmares at night with so much frightening atmosphere going around.
This is one of those anime whose aesthetics will always be top-notch. I give them an almost perfect score for achieving what most retro don’t. I mean just listen to this bloody awesome battle theme. They no longer make them as awesome.
STORY: 3/10
Just like in Odyssey, Odysseus is cursed by the Olympian Gods and is sent to forever drift in space, without hope of returning home. But he doesn’t give up and continually searches for a way to defeat his fate and reunite with his wife.
Unfortunately, the story is twisted to resemble a fairy tale and everything seems very fake as a whole. As a Greek myself, I thank the producers for advertising our mythology with so many references to several famous Greek myths. But I must also bitch at the fact that Greek myths are not your average fairy tales with too-goody protagonists and a moral message in the end. Epic stories that turn to kiddy shows deserve a lot more attention than what we get to see here. It undermines their importance and kind of insults our ancestors’ talent at great storytelling.
Even if you try to look at the story without referring to the original myth, the result is still lame. Story exists only in the first and in the last episode. All other episodes are stand-alones, there is never any on-screen bloodshed despite the numerous battles, there is never a bad thought crossing the heroes’ mind, and everyone acts like immature 10 year olds. There is an ending but it leaves you kinda apathetic. It’s just not thrilling enough.
Besides the strong presence of Odysseus and the Gods in the story, all others are there just to fill the void or offer comic relief. Little kids and funny robots next to cardboard monsters which remain shallow and stale throughout the series. No resemblance with the multi-layered ones from the original myth. But in all everybody is somewhat cool or funny.
VALUE: 6/10
Before the original story this is but a childish fairy tale. It can still be seen as a well-made grim fairy tale and half of its duration is still worthy to follow.
Story and characters aside, almost all episodes are interesting to watch. The atmosphere, the machines, the monsters and the mystery around them are so imposing that can stick with you for good. The problems are kinda resolved easily and rushed all the time and that is what prevents this series from truly shining.
VERDICT: 6.5/10
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