It is a tournament fighting anime, that don’t want to focus on combat. The main character is a pervert girl that wants to be with every girl. The overarching arc is supposed to be tied mostly to Mikagura Seisa, but she and her mystery is lightly sprinkled over the episodes until the ending (but she is ever present mostly for herself and her teacher-maid). It is also a clubs anime, except that the main character does not have one.
What you end up with is shallow deepdives into the different co-cast backgrounds, but even that feels like it gets sidelined for antics and the main character being… herself I guess, only to end with an episode that went BDZ out of nowhere.
All in all it is a comedy series that has a quirky main heroine going around trying to recruit members to a club while being selfish in her wants, but she is extremely friendly, bubbly and over the top positive and cares deeply for her friends which she imposes herself as.