Not sure why this is so underrated here, as this has been one of the best anime i've seen in years, maybe people just had the wrong expectations.
This anime is about relationships (the friendly and the romantic kind), revolving around MMO players, nothing more, and based on that it was absolutely excellent, it even made me laugh out loud a few times, and i'm glad it didn't focus any more on the game, as that would have detracted from the story.
It's so refreshing to watch something this good and different after all the mediocre stuff i've watched.
The ending was good and clear although abrupt, i mean you could make a whole other season on what happens next and i would watch the sh*t out of that.
Because of that and a few other nitpicks i can only give it a 9/10.
Explanation by greenninja on Tuesday, 03.10.2017 00:52