Main Title | Simoun (a4239) |
Official Title | en |
Official Title | ja |
Synonym | Shimuun, Simoon, Шімун, 西蒙 |
Niino Michi | as | Aaeru |
Takahashi Rieko | as | Neviril |
Toyoguchi Megumi | as | Alty |
Kitamura Eri | as | Amuria |
Kiuchi Reiko | as | Anubituf |
Yukana | as | Dominuura |
Aizawa Michiru | as | Floe |
Kuwashima Houko | as | Guragief |
Hosokoshi Michiko | as | Kaimu |
Morinaga Rika | as | Mamina |
Explanation by Jerbear10 on Saturday, 29.10.2011 19:43
Simoun has a genius idea that is executed poorly. What happens is that the premise of the anime is quickly lost, and so is the enjoyment. Very unfortunate, considering that there's nothing similar to this.
The animation is bad, they reused a lot of background art, the characters are cheaply animated and lack details. Studio Deen isn't known for having good animation for the time this anime was made.
I can just say that the art is mediocre and not that pleasing, even by 2006 standards. I would have forgiven it if other characteristics compensated, but unfortunately this isn't the case.
The 3D models for the Simoun are okay, but they don't feel intimidating at all. The Simoun are extremely advanced aircraft capable of vaporising hundreds of enemies at once without a single scratch, yet in the anime they only make a woosh sound. The spinning wheels of a Simoun rotate way too slow, it looks uncanny, considering that these aircraft can reach what looks like supersonic speeds.
The sound is also mediocre, but supported by 2 or 3 background songs. The rest aren't that memorable. The opening and ending songs are catchy, so that's a few bonus points.
The voice actors did average in my opinion. Some voices don't match their characters, and a lot of voices have a pitch way too high. Aer has the most realistic voice out of all of the characters.
Now here comes the big bomb, the story. The initial premise is that Argentum starts a war with Simulacrum in order to... do something with the Simoun? This is never truly explained. Anyways, the worst part is that you never get to understand the motives of anyone, or the current state of the war. There are no maps, no information about the time or at least the time passed between events, so you have no idea whether the entire anime happens in 2 weeks or one year. This feeling of uncertainty lowers the enjoyment, it feels like the entire anime was made after a draft, not a final design document.
The first 4-5 episodes are very interesting, you get to see the nation of Argentum, their steampunk world, and a few attacks. You have a moderate feeling of impending doom, and tension. However, after these episodes, the entire story just collapses and becomes a loop of whatever the characters are feeling. The anime is entirely based on the emotions of the characters, and not the war itself. Be aware of this.
Continuing, the quality of the story decreases rapidly, and by the second half the story just vanishes, and personally I found that it stops to make sense. It's a shame, the setting is unique and innovative, and it could have been a legendary anime, but it became dissapointing.
The main problem is that the story is developed in a shallow way. All characters get some development in multiple ways, but the story doesn't. Another thing I've noticed is that there are religious undertones, but they aren't developed much. These could have been the base for a grandiose worldbuilding, but ended up as mediocre.
Now the btter part, the characters. They have weird personal customs but at least they finally get some advancements and not just shallow linear progression like the story. Each character feels unique and original, and they all react in differents ways, in a moderately realistic manner.
The characters evolve somewhat during the length of the anime, which is a good thing. When they move to the other giant flying ship, there are many moments that really make the characters feel human. It's a very sweet feeling, different from the artificial interactions in modern anime, which I estimate are already mostly made by AI.
As told before, it was never explained completely why Argentum wanted to attack except to control the Simoun or something, and all the other villains feel robotic, and their motives are unclear.
And finally, the overall value. I wouldn't say this is a rewatchable anime, there aren't many things which you will understand better if you watch the show again. However it does have some sentimental value, and feels nostalgic, mostly because of the art style and the overall atmosphere, it really feels like the 2000s. This feeling is impossible to recreate now, especially with the technical and budget limitations of the time. Maybe you will remember at least the main idea of the anime after a few years, in case you do watch it.
As a final word, the anime is somewhat enjoyable. The beginning was amazing, but it dropped like a rock after a few episodes. The climax around episode 18-20 raises the tension and conflict of the story again, but it drops immediately after. The ending is just weird, in a way it's an open ending, but it just feels like the writers gave up on the concept and inserted something in an emergency.
I recommend this anime if you like experimental works and feeling nostalgic.
The story takes place in some sort of lesbian transgender world where people are born females and can choose their sex at the age of 17. Most of the characters are Sibyllae, i.e. girls who haven’t chosen their sex yet and act as priestesses who perform “prayers” that can destroy their country’s enemies by piloting CGI flying machines called Simoun. The Simoun can only be piloted by a pair of Sibyllae, and they have to kiss before getting in the machine, so the series has a lot of lesbian romance. Although it does sound like a weird p*rn plot, it is a unique setting that could have provided the basis for an interesting story.
The story line focuses on boring relationships and romance between the characters rather than on world-building and more interesting themes such as politics and war.
The plot is confusing from the start to the ending of the series. At several moments in the first episode, the story is told from an enemy soldier’s perspective, which makes it hard to follow. The terminology is also confusing and it takes a lot of episodes to fully understand what each term means: Sibyllae are the girls who fly the Simoun; a Simoun squadron is called a Chor; to kill their enemies they draw magical shapes known as Ri Maajon in the sky with their Simoun. Then you have all the names of the different types of Ri Maajon, the weird names of their religion and their country, and the fact that the Sibyllae are called “priestesses” who perform “prayers” when it’s obvious that they are soldiers. The consequence of this is that the first episodes are confusing and it is complicated to understand what they are trying to do with their machines.
In this world, people are born females and at the age of 17 they are supposed to choose their sex. If they choose to be male their body will slowly change and their voice will become deeper. However, male characters are all dubbed by female voice actors who try to imitate a male voice, which is very unsettling and makes the dialogues extremely weird.
The enemies from the nation of Argentum speak a different language. How did the anime choose to portray this? They recorded normal Japanese voice acting and put it in reverse, which, as you could have guessed, sounds like shit. The characters’ names are also completely random: Neviril, Dominuura, Paraietta, Wapourif, Anubituf… This makes the dialogues sound even more ridiculous.
Then you have the fact that most of the first seven episodes consist in the protagonist yelling at another character and harassing her by repeatedly knocking at her door so that she becomes her partner.
Yet another anime that depicts a romantic relationship between an adult and a child – between a 12-year old girl and 19-year old woman to be precise, as something completely acceptable. It is almost a running gag at this point. Some people apparently think that an adult woman kissing a child on the lips is cute and wholesome. It seems as though the whole medium of anime and a significant part of the anime community is committed to normalizing pedophilia. Sad!
They are bad and they don’t make any sense. The protagonist is a dumbass whose motivations and objectives are never explained. The only thing we know about her is that she really wants to partner with the Sibylla Neviril, and for that reason she will harass her for more than one fourth of the show. There is few character development for her except from boring flashbacks about her grandfather. Her voice-acting is also very annoying, which doesn’t really help.
The other characters aren’t better. You have boring and predictable relationships such as the “master-servant relationship but they are actually childhood friends” or the incestuous sisters – how original! You also have the young girl that can only complain and yell all the time with her high-pitched voice, the useless characters such as Morinas and Vyura (oh god, the names!) and the character that is never properly introduced, doesn’t get any character development or evolution but is, for some reason, suddenly given an important role towards the end of the series.
Then you have Mamina (another weird name), who is introduced as some sort of rival for the protagonist because she too, wants to partner with Neviril. But instead of a proper opposition with the protagonist, she has a childish dispute with her and gets the whole squadron punished and then turns into a useless secondary character whose only purpose in life is doing the cooking and the cleaning.
It’s rare to see an anime fail so hard in terms of background music. Well, the background music in itself isn’t that bad, there are even some tracks that could be considered good in a different context. The main problem is that the music placement is completely random and doesn’t fit the situation at all. In the air battles and fight scenes, the BGM sounds like tango music (with an accordion-like instrument), which feels completely out of place and makes all these scenes that are supposed to be tragic and serious look extremely ridiculous. The lip-sync is also bad, and the voice intonation of the characters don’t correspond to the faces they make.
Most of the time, bad anime is bad not because it has bad animation, but because it has a bad plot and cliché characters. Simoun manages to be a failure both in terms of story and in terms of production quality, and it looks so bad it feels like a fan-made amateur anime.
The flying machines and other vehicles are all CGI, but to be frank, it doesn’t look that bad once you get used to it. The backgrounds, however, look like unfinished hand-drawings and feel completely out of place. But the worst thing is the 2D animation. The 2D animation is very poor and a lot of static images are used. Something as simple as a character walking in a hall will look bad, with the character’s movements being inconsistent with their speed. Even the lighting is bad, and the shadows don’t make sense. The characters’ faces are inconsistent and look very ugly 90% of the time, which makes most of the frames look like complete shit. It is sad because in the rare moments where the characters’ faces don’t look bad there’s actually a lot of detail in their eyes, which is the most important part of the face.
Although it is unique in its weirdness, Simoun fails in every category. Its story is boring. It focuses on the relationships between bad characters. But the worst thing is that it isn’t even entertaining. The ugly animation, the weird voice-acting and the random music placement makes it a painful experience. Avoid this show at all costs.
Relation | Song | in Episodes | Rating | Credit | Staff | Comment |
opening | Utsukushikereba Sore de Ii | 1-26, OP1a-OP1b | N/A (3) | Vocals/Performed by (歌手) | Ishikawa Chiaki | |
Lyrics (作詞) | Ishikawa Chiaki | |||||
Music Composition (作曲) | Ishikawa Chiaki | |||||
Music Arrangement (編曲) | Nishida Masara | |||||
ending | Inori no Uta | 1-26, ED1 | N/A (5) | Vocals/Performed by (歌手) | Savage Genius | |
Lyrics (作詞) | Aa | |||||
Music Composition (作曲) | Takumi | |||||
Music Arrangement (編曲) | Suzuki Daichi Hideyuki | |||||
insert song | Roatreamon "Tsubasa no Komoriuta" | 18 | N/A (1) | Vocals/Performed by (歌手) | Takahashi Mikako | |
Lyrics (作詞) | Nishida Masara | |||||
Music Composition (作曲) | Nishida Masara | |||||
Music Arrangement (編曲) | Nishida Masara | |||||
background music | Tenohira no Melody | N/A (0) |
Last Update | Name | State | N | Episodes | HE | SP | Languages | Source | Rating | Cmts |
31.03.2024 | Kirika | complete | 26 | 0 | ja en | DVD | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
18.07.2022 | jackoneill | complete | N | 26 | 4 | ja en | DVD | N/A (0) | 0 | |
01.04.2018 | T.W | complete | 26 | 18 | ja | DVD | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
31.03.2018 | km | complete | 26 | 12 | ja | DVD | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
31.03.2018 | AniDL [AniDL] | complete | N | 26 | 0 | ja en | DVD | N/A (0) | 0 | |
06.06.2015 | Choko | complete | 26 | 0 | ja it | HDTV | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
16.07.2014 | WZF | complete | 26 | 0 | ja es | HDTV | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
05.01.2014 | MiniTheatre | complete | N | 26 | 0 | ja en | DTV | N/A (0) | 0 | |
14.11.2010 | E-D | complete | 26 | 0 | ja en | DVD | N/A (2) | 2 | ||
17.01.2010 | SSA Fansub [SSA] | complete | 26 | 0 | ja it | unknown | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
12.05.2009 | MoE&AP | complete | 26 | 0 | ja de | DVD | N/A (2) | 0 | ||
08.05.2009 | gokigenyoufs | complete | 26 | 0 | ja pt-BR | DVD | N/A (1) | 0 | ||
20.02.2009 | genn&AR.Ru | complete | 26 | 0 | ja ru | DVD | N/A (1) | 0 | ||
12.03.2008 | DvF | complete | 26 | 0 | ja es | DVD | N/A (3) | 0 | ||
07.01.2008 | YYK | complete | 26 | 0 | ja zh | DVD | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
09.10.2007 | Requiem | complete | 26 | 0 | ja fr | DTV | N/A (1) | 0 | ||
03.04.2007 | Simoun | complete | 26 | 0 | ja en | DTV, TV | 8.74 (72) | 11 | ||
14.12.2024 | -SeT- | finished | 26 | 0 | ja ja fr | DVD | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
21.10.2006 | WO | finished | 26 | 0 | ja en | DTV | N/A (4) | 0 | ||
29.08.2006 | SP | stalled | 20 | 0 | ja en | DTV | N/A (3) | 3 | ||
22.01.2007 | AnimeTracker | stalled | 10 | 0 | ja pt-BR | DVD | N/A (1) | 0 | ||
29.08.2008 | I_S | stalled | 4 | 0 | ja de | DTV | N/A (1) | 0 | ||
11.02.2008 | Hikari. | stalled | 2 | 0 | ja es | DTV | N/A (0) | 0 | ||
17.07.2006 | Doremi | dropped | 5 | 0 | ja en | DTV | 4.65 (27) | 7 | ||
16.05.2008 | SHFS | dropped | 3 | 0 | ja de | DTV | N/A (2) | 0 | ||
no group | complete finished ongoing stalled dropped specials only all |
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Explanation by maxiantor on Saturday, 19.01.2019 09:19
Explanation by scottryder on Saturday, 04.04.2015 12:48
-Female Pilots
-War Between multiple factions as in Cross Ange, Norma Vs Embro Vs Dragons in Simoun we have Simulacran, Argentum, and Plumbum