Compared to the prequel, Sister Princess Repure is a masterpiece. But the fact is that it's still not much more than an average series with lots of flaws.
First off, the animation has developed incredibly since the first season. Where Sister Princess had every 20 seconds a reused frame, Repure doesn't seem to be so obvious with them. They still use them, but not as often (or not so damn obvious) anymore as before. The colors are energetic, bright and colorful as colors can be. The characters look much more mature and also more realistic, which makes this compared to the prequel a real nice watch.
Too bad that there are still quite some reused frames and the characters still don't move as fluent as they should move (although it's still better than the prequel).
The voices became actually better! Although the voices in Sister Princess were good/decent and bad at the same time, the voices in Repure sound good. None of the characters are really annoying, which could be the cause of the matured characters, but also since the setting wasn't so comical anymore, they could use the voice a lot better than before. Two thumbs up for the voices and then I have to mention that especially the main character's voice has become really manly compared to the prequel. Great job!
The music ... somehow became even better and more catchy. While the music from the prequel was good and addictive, can/goo does a great job on the OP, ED and the other songs. Note that the ED song appears already after half of the show everytime. In the end I have to say that the music of Repure is probably the best part of the series and even better than its prequel.
The story in Repure is still pretty much non-existent, although they do a better job than the previous series. While Sister Princess compiled everything in one-episode comedy, Repure doesn't use the comedy-aspect at all. Instead, they chose to use 2 parts per episode, where every part is focused on a girl. This time no comedy and not all of the girls supporting the focused girl, but instead showing the background and the feelings of the girl.
Although they still don't have a decent story/plot for the series, they do have a certain idea in mind for each half episode and they actually finish those half episodes pretty well. I never imagined that they would be able to make sidestories (if you can call them that) this interesting. Well, interesting ... at least the stories were not repulsing like in Sister Princess and this time there are even a few I actually enjoyed watching.
The most disturbing thing in this series is still the backgroundinfo. While there are various scenes where we see some memories, they never explain how the hell that one guy can have 12 sisters who apparently even grew up in different countries - and were always with him in their youth. So although it might have sounded that I praised this series for its storytelling, the story itself is still very bad for not explaining anything about the relationship between the brother and sisters and just assume that the people watching won't question that idea at all.
The characters have matured, as I said before. This results in slightly better voices (especially the brother's voice has changed a lot and became manly instead of wimpy) and even the girls look more appealing. Also, the feelings of the girls are much more interesting. While the prequel only showed some basic comedy/drama stories, this series goes a bit deeper and adds real-life situations as well as some deeper drama (like the 'I love my brother so much, but we're family ...'-issue) which gave this series so much more depth than its prequel.
Still, with 12 girls and 1 boy, there isn't anything like good really character development, but the way they decided to show the 'stories', I have to say they did a good job on the characters. Although I have to say that I saw some characters having their own episodes more often than others ... which probably means that they wanted to focus more on some personal favorites :D
Further on, the girls look more mature, cuter and more independent. They actually became characters instead of sidekicks in this series.
Not only have the characters become more mature, also the series itself has gone through that phase and is much easier to watch. Easy stories about cute girls with problems which make you smile whether you want it or not, together with stories about sadness and happiness make this series a bit more rewatchable than the prequel. Especially since there is no real story (although there is some of chronological order, when you realize that in 1 episode a girl asks him to drop by and the next episode he drops by indeed), the episodes are easier to watch and don't need much background information from the other stories. That way you can just rewatch an episode, or in this case a part of an episode, without missing anything. I wonder if anyone would rewatch the series though, since it wasn't that great imho. I wiped it immediately afterwards because I thought it was a waste to keep it, no matter how cute the girls were at times.
Enjoyment? Well, since I expected a copy of the first series, I expected the worst. But it was a lot better and actually watchable after all, that's what surprised me most and probably made me enjoy it even more. There were some good stories and also a few dragging stories as well, but overall the series has some nice stories to watch. A nice watch, especially if you watched Sister Princess and puked because of the awful story/development/animation. You'll appreciate this one much more then. But if you're not up to some childish romance, cute girls or odd stories about missing cakes and eating snacks, then don't try this one. If you can handle such stories, you might give it a try. At least it's not really bad.