The 1st ep is bad, disregard that when you start seeing this.
MC is summoned into a medievalish world where 90% of the population is female. He is handsome, humble, caring and extremely capable (he is like an overpowered character in whatever he does, wins everything with absolute ease), so he is being chased by almost a 100 girls and of those some 10 are the serious contenders. So he starts off being a servant to one of the girls, but rapidly rises up to the very top. Its that kind of storyline
That world also has some robots that are semi biological and are driven by some kind of magic, and our MC becomes extremely OP when he pilots this. This helps him win global wars!
The whole thing is a typical OP MC harem thing with a lot of fan service. But somehow, it has been done well enough, with enough story and 'heart', so it was fun.
Explanation by jqf on Saturday, 21.04.2012 18:48