Well, looking at the tag history, "quiet" was previously deleted -- seems possible overlap with dandere? Though, she does rarely speak... I will add the "rarely speaks" tag to her (you can do this too), and add her to the group (you can't do this).
Well, looking at the tag history, "quiet" was previously deleted -- seems possible overlap with dandere? Though, she does rarely speak... I will add the "rarely speaks" tag to her (you can do this too), and add her to the group (you can't do this).
I was wondering, but I'm not sure if you consider this character "silent", but Akira from School Rumble? She's quiet, but I'm not too sure about it. She doesn't talk a lot though.
I added every rejected character from shoutbox, but I'm certain that some of the older posts were autodeleted, so if you want to see your favorite girl here post her name.
Also I'm taking suggestions for new club description
post #72 by CDB-Man on 29.09.2016 23:30
Added Takamiya Naho as well.
post #71 by Kotori-chan on 29.09.2016 15:41
How about Shiina Mashiro? From Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo.
Okay :3.
Also another good one is Shiomiya Shiori
post #70 by CDB-Man on 28.09.2016 22:15
How about Shiina Mashiro? From Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo.
post #69 by Kotori-chan on 28.09.2016 18:23
post #68 by fukay on 12.09.2016 13:22
post #67 by CDB-Man on 19.08.2014 05:12
post #66 by 0_0 on 03.01.2013 09:39
post #65 by malice on 01.01.2013 19:26
post #64 by hechicero on 22.10.2012 01:44
post #63 by malice on 19.10.2012 06:39
It is anime about solving mysteries, often slow paced but with great visuals and attention to detail. Can recommend so far (12/22eps)
post #62 by malice on 28.03.2012 07:29
From Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
post #61 by malice on 11.12.2011 00:31
post #60 by ___k on 10.12.2011 15:28
post #59 by maiha on 09.08.2010 10:26
What about adding Kannagi Noel?
post #58 by malice on 08.08.2010 16:17
post #57 by tannerxx on 07.08.2010 13:35
post #56 by ryougishikifan on 03.08.2010 02:26
post #55 by ryougishikifan on 03.08.2010 02:21
post #54 by malice on 02.08.2010 06:18
I added every rejected character from shoutbox, but I'm certain that some of the older posts were autodeleted, so if you want to see your favorite girl here post her name.
Also I'm taking suggestions for new club description
post #53 by malice on 18.07.2010 14:50
Yakumo is the model character for this club, less guns pl0x