There was an attempt, here, to create a form of elegant horror, in a purely Japanese manner. It works, for the most part. The sense of atmosphere and style somehow transcends its 80's OVA roots, becoming more a presage to the kind of anime production seen in the 90's. It also keeps Miyu at arms length from the viewer, making what she actually thinks and feels somewhat impenetrable, even when she is the subject of the episode's storyline. Himiko plays the role of main character, here, the "human" point of view to the proceedings, but we're left out on a limb just when we're given a major revelation about her. It might have been nice to see where her character may have gone from there, but it has always been VPM's tendency to leave you in the lurch in a mildly disturbing manner.
Liked the character and art design of this one, liked the chars too and the story was interesting, the thing is this OVA by itself shows very little and that's why I don't value the OVA so much, there isn't much progress and it serves more as an introduction than anything. As mappy says, it ends when it gets interesting, it would have been nice to see how it developed from there, Unfortunately the TV series is more of an alternative setting than a sequel which is a pity, first because the OVA is better in almost every aspect, second cause it leaves this story way too open, hence the lower vote.
It was interesting to watch These 4 OVA Eps. I didnt know the Miyu plot, but wanted to see what was realeased before the first Anime series of Miyu, which I will watch next.
I'm curious what character will hide behind "Larva". All in all a good classic Vampire plot.
post #1 by mappy on 07.12.2010 21:16 (vote: 7.00)