All of C;H, R;N and S;G are adaptations of visual novels. The most important point is that the visual novels have a shared setting and the anime consequentially also do, and the same goes for a couple of major themes. That's why they have a same setting relation. That's it; they're otherwise unrelated.
As for why S;G is highly rated and the other two are not, I know that C;H is a bad adaptation of its VN, whereas S;G is a good adaptation; I don't know about R;N. The S;G VN is said to be very good, too, whereas the other two VNs are said to be good but inferior to S;G.
TL;DR: you probably don't want to watch the anime. If you're into VNs, you may or may not want to play the VNs. If you prefer anime, then look for better ones.
post #1 by nikonerd on 05.11.2014 22:08 (vote: 10.00)
My question here is: What exactly is the relation between these animes? The plot summaries given here seem to have nothing in common, the only similarity I see is in the style of their names, so how exactly do they have a "same setting"? And also, why the low ratings? What makes them so bad? I'm asking because, like stated above, I loved Steins;Gate and would like to know if these other two are worth my time.