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I think there might be something wrong with me...

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Night Shift Nurse
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post #1 by Rokudaime-Hokage on 20.01.2022 00:57

Over the past few days, I've first watched Asobi Asobase, then Danchi Koukousei no Nichijou, then Joshikousei no Mudazukai, and then finally this series, in that order, and all for the first time. Asobi Asobase made me laugh a total of two times, during the rock-paper-scissor scene where one of the girls sticks her "scissors" up the other's nose, and during the AK-47 butt slap scene. The rest of the series I mostly spent being annoyed at all the disgusting stuff, and all the annoying shouting. Didn't really like it. Next, Danchi Koukousei no Nichijou was properly enjoyable to me, but not because I found it all that funny, and it only made me laugh properly once in the whole series, during the book girl scene where she trips up and makes mistake after mistake, which admittedly was genuinely funny to me, and made me laugh out loud. Next up was Joshikousei no Mudazukai, which was less enjoyable to me than Danchi Koukousei no Nichijou, but more enjoyable than Asobi Asobase. But that one didn't manage to make me laugh even once, and I found the chuunibyou girl annoying. I also found several of the characters too exaggerated. The OP song is awesome and addictive though. Finally, I watched this series; Nichijou. I enjoyed it somewhat, but despite it having twice as many episodes as the other series, it too didn't manage to make me laugh even once, although I did chuckle a couple of times. A lot of it I just found boring, and I especially disliked all the jokes that were really drawn out.

So yeah, 4 fairly well rated comedy anime series, 62 episodes total, and I only actually laughed...3 times or so?...Am I broken?...The worst part is, I vividly remember laughing several times when I watched Lucky Star, Seitokai no Ichizon, and Azumanga Daioh 10+ years ago, and when I watched Ouran Highschool Host Club 10-15 years ago, I know i laughed my ass off, like, to tears, so...Has my sense of humour and capacity to be properly amused just broken down as I've gotten older for some reason? I'm not very happy about that prospect...I don't wanna be the guy that can't be made to laugh...
Taisetsu no mono wa, jibun no mite, kite, kangaeru koto sa.
Pimp in a White Suit
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post #2 by BloodySummers on 20.01.2022 01:30

Nichijou has 26 episodes? Fuck.

Comedy is always subjective, humor changes over time as well. I mean haven't you laughed at all in recent years? That would be sad, otherwise I would say you will be fine.

Was laughing my ass off at Asobi Asobase episode 1 and not even once ever again in the remaining episodes. The beginning of my deleting anime when done era.

I don't think I have watched many comedy in recent years, hmm.

Mostly the popular romance comedies. Have you ever checked them out? I don't think I ever saw you commenting there.
Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san
Komi Can't Communicate
My Senpai Is Annoying
Teasing Master Takagi-san
Tonikaku Kawaii
Uzaki-chan Wants to Hang Out!

I don't think they will make you laugh out all the time, but they were very entertaining.
Only one I definitely don't want more of is Takagi.

Or just rewatch Naruto without filler?
Night Shift Nurse
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post #3 by Rokudaime-Hokage on 20.01.2022 20:43

Yeah, several of those are already on my list. Lots of others that are much higher priority though, like the final season of Non Non Biyori, Horimiya, To Aru Majutsu no Index season 3, and many many others. I decided last week to finally try and get back into actively consuming anime again, like I used to do 10 years ago, instead of just prioritizing video games and other stuff. We'll see how long that lasts lol. I started by rewatching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood for the second time, since that one is pretty much a perfct anime to me. Then I went into this comedy anime run. As you can see, that's been a bit of a letdown. I think I'm gonna try some cute girls doing cute things anime mixed with a little comedy next; I did enjoy Yuru Yuri when I watched that one a couple of years ago, after all, and I love K-ON!. After that I figure it's time for romance anime, yuri, and relaxing anime like Non Non Biyori, which are all categories I really like. I really wish I could find a series similar to Tamayura, with the same level of quality. I loooove that series; all seasons of it. Always cured me when I was depressed. After all that, I guess I'll hit some of the action ones. I want to watch the new seasons of Index and Railgun.
Pimp in a White Suit
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post #4 by BloodySummers on 21.01.2022 03:28

anime > you life

not even a mention of naruto... dissapointed

but yeah, looks like you are stacked already, I hope you enjoy those more than the random comedy ones, GL