Back to Basics with the Elemental Dragons

Curious about working with Dragons and Dragon Energy?

Ready to experience some deep relaxation and healing?

Then step into the powerful support of the Elemental Dragons…

Welcome to a sacred healing space with the Elemental Dragons

This loving group of Earth, Air, Fire and Water Dragons have come forward to offer you a helping hand in this physical incarnation. I am so happy to be able to facilitate this connection between you and these beautiful beings!

Whether you’ve never experienced the power of the Dragons in this healing capacity or you’re deeply familiar with these beautiful beings, this series of "back to basics" healing meditations and transmissions offers a unique, protected, divinely guided space for you to connect more deeply with all that you are.

The more connected we are to our truth and magic that we hold, the more we can enjoy our life at this time.

The Elemental Dragons offer their service to Gaia, and to those beings who incarnate here, in whatever form. We are divine beings, but right now we’re living a physical incarnation, and that can be both glorious yet challenging.

We are accustomed to slogging through and doing things the hard way, and in this series of healings, the Elemental Dragons come forward to offer their gifts to you, opening a space for a change in perspective and for new potentials to appear.

These gentle healings are suitable for all, whether you are new to energy healing or have a lot of experience.

I encourage you to allow that “gentle” can also mean deeply powerful. To work with Dragon energy is to accept that the human perspective is only one perspective, and to understand that within the gentleness of divine unconditional love there is a force for transformation that cannot be fathomed by the human mind, but can be understood and embraced by the heart.

What's Included:

These four healings are brought through with the hope of supporting your physical being and physical life. Our hope is that you may feel more rested, joyful, inspired, and more connected with your true divine light.

The four healings you will receive can be listened to over and over again. My invitation to you would be to simply start where you are, and allow yourself to be supported in exactly that place right now by this group of Dragons, who come from a place of unconditional love, non-judgement, and a deep intention of loving support for you.

You will receive instant access to over 120 mins of Dragon Energy Healing*:

Four healing meditations (approx. 30 mins each)

  • Earth Dragons: Comfort & Connection

  • Air Dragons: Clearing and Clarity

  • Fire Dragons: Inspiration and Joy

  • Water Dragons: Nourishment and Flow 

Audio-only (MP3) files of each of the healings which are downloadable

Elemental Dragons' Journal Prompts, available as a downloadable PDF


Blessings of Abundance healing from the Elemental Dragons (20 mins approx.), also available as a downloadable MP3 file, because abundance is always fun to experience!

*Energy healing is not intended to replace professional medical or psychological treatments, nor to provide financial, legal or medical advice or serve as a substitute for medical or professional care.