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It may seem like a very small and minor detail in a bathroom, but a shower niche can play a very important role in how well a modern shower and bathroom functions. They prevent your bathroom from getting clogged up and from bottles from taking up residence on the shower floor or cluttering up all the or shower bench. A niche will help keep your shower time products neat, tidy and within easy reach. The best part about a niche is that because of the increasing popularity of clear glass surrounds and open showers are on the rise today, a niche in your shower is also a great design opportunity. Here are our five-star tips and ideas on shower niches and why you should definitely consider getting on in your next shower update.
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Bathroom Shower Niche Tips

July 14, 2016

Elise 1

It may seem like a very small and minor detail in a bathroom, but a shower niche can play a very important role in how well a modern shower and bathroom functions. They prevent your bathroom from getting clogged up and from bottles from taking up residence on the shower floor or cluttering up all the or shower bench. A niche will help keep your shower time products neat, tidy and within easy reach. The best part about a niche is that because of the increasing popularity of clear glass surrounds and open showers are on the rise today, a niche in your shower is also a great design opportunity. Here are our five-star tips and ideas on shower niches and why you should definitely consider getting on in your next shower update.

The Seamless Calm Look

Your bathroom should serve as a calm and quiet retreat, so a peaceful and uncluttered look is absolutely key when designing a shower niche. To keep it all looking seamless and slimline, a good idea would be to bring the same exact tile in your shower into the niche space. By bringing in the same tile in a few other spots in your bathroom you’ll bring the whole look together. Designers also love long, horizontal niche’s nowadays, as its cooler, much more dramatic and holds more stuff.

Pattern Play

Using a wider niche is a perfect opportunity to bring in some of your character and personality into your bathroom space. Play with tiled patterns and provide some pleasing aesthetics to your bathrooms and niches décor. Choose a tile that you can use on either side of the niche, as well as down the middle of the nice. Another fabulous idea is to also go for a two-niche solution in a bathtub-shower combo. Make sure you place one at a comfortable height for showering and have the other one placed within easy reach when in the tub.

A Three-Point Focal Niche

Choosing a nice design that’s a little out of the ordinary is always a fabulous idea, but a shower niche that also serves in functionality and practicality is even better. So when you can combine all those aspects into one, you have the absolute perfect shower nice Have your contractor build three shower niche holes, with each of them measuring at 14 inches wide by 16 inches high. Make sure he has the bottom niche built around 24 inches off the floor as this will serve perfectly for a shaving ledge. Most bathroom shampoo and body wash bottles that come with pumps start around 12 inches high; so make sure your contractor adds a few more inches.

We hope you have found this article helpful to make your bathroom your own little haven
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