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How does a competition work?

Clients initiate competitions. After uploading basic information, they decide on the timeline and award amount. Designers are able to review all posted competitions and sign-up to participate in the design challenges. Designers can upload their design solutions until the project deadline. After the deadline the client evaluates the projects and picks the winning design scheme, and informs arcbazar about their first three ranked projects. Arcbazar then distributes the award among the first three winners.

How long does a competition take?

The duration of the competition is decided by the client, and depends largely on the size and time commitment of the client. They can be short competitions for conceptual ideas lasting for about a week, or longer competitions that can last up to 12 weeks.

What is the minimum/maximum number of designers to participate in a competition?

The minimum number of designers is two for all competitions. For most competitions, there is no upper limit. However, clients can limit the number of participants for their competitions. In that case, the project description would explicitly mention the limitation.

Who are the clients? was founded to bring quality design solutions to people who do not have the resources to access architects. In the US, this means nine out of ten clients. Our clients are people who desire original design solutions to their everyday projects.

Do I need to be a registered architect to participate?

Arcbazar is open to all talented designers, students, young architects and professionals all around the world.

Will I keep my privacy while participating in a competition?

The identities of the clients and designers will be kept strictly confidential, unless they decide themselves otherwise. You will get an alias for each competition you participate in. This allows designers to keep anonymous, and makes sure that the winning project is selected by merit only.

I was able to login before, why can't I login now?

Delete the cache/history of your internet browser. Or, use a different internet browser, e.g. Firefox, Google Chrome, IE etc. If your problem persists contact [email protected].

How does the point-system work?

Designers get the following points: When signing-up to a project: +10; when submitting your project: +50; when signing-up but not submitting: -20; when winning the 3rd prize: +100; when winning the 2nd prize: +300; when winning the 1st prize: +600; and, when just saving a project: no +/- points. Also, some additional multipliers are added -- taking into consideration the number of submissions to a project by other designers, and the project’s award money. In other words, the more submissions a project receives, and the lower the award money is, the more points you may get. This is to reward designers, who have to compete with many other participants for the award; and those, who participate in low-award competitions.