Information for Researchers



Research at the National Archives in College Park

Textual Records:

  • Civilian Records: We hold records that originated in civilian agencies of the Executive branch of government. Most of these records were created after 1900 and include documents created or accumulated by bureaus within the departments of State, Justice, Treasury, Interior, Labor, Commerce, Energy, Agriculture, Housing and Urban Development, Education, Health and Human Services, and Transportation.

    Review this before you visit Civilian Textual Records at the National Archives at College Park

  • Modern Military Records: Records that originated in military agencies of the Executive branch of government. Most of these records were created after 1900 and include documents created or accumulated by the various components of the Department of Defense and its predecessor, the War Department.
Contact the Textual Records unit at: The National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001

Telephone: 301-837-3510

Contact Us
  • The Special Access and FOIA Division provides reference services on those federal records in the National Archives at College Park that require administration of special access provisions. Examples of these types of records include records accumulated by Independent Counsels.

    Contact the Special Access and FOIA Division at:
    The National Archives at College Park
    8601 Adelphi Road
    College Park, MD 20740-6001

    Telephone: 301-837-3190


  • The Nixon Library staff in College Park, Maryland, provides reference services on the accessible textual (paper) materials from the presidency of Richard M. Nixon. Contact the unit at: The National Archives at College Park, 8601 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001, by telephone at 301-837-3290, or via

See also Textual Records Services in the Washington, DC Area


The holdings of the Cartographic and Architectural Section in College Park, Maryland, include over 15 million maps, charts, aerial photographs, architectural drawings, patents, and ships plans, constituting one of the world's largest accumulations of such documents. These holdings are arranged in 190 record groups, which reflect the origins of the records in specific federal departments and agencies. On-site researchers may examine these records and finding aids in the Cartographic and Architectural Research Room .

  • Architectural and engineering drawings relate almost exclusively to structures and equipment built by or for the Federal Government.
  • Holdings are arranged by the Federal offices that created or accumulated the records.
  • Maps that predate the Federal Government and 19th century maps of areas outside the United States are rare among the unit's holdings.

    Contact the reference staff of the Cartographic and Architectural unit:


National Archives holdings include records on microfilm reels, microfiche, and a number of other micrographic formats. These records were either transferred to NARA by the originating agency in that form or converted by NARA for the convenience of preservation and reference of the original record. The latter are released by NARA as part of its Microfilm Publication Program.

The National Archives is pleased to offer digital versions of some NARA microfilm publications in the National Archives Catalog. Additionally, digital versions of some NARA microfilm publications will be available on Public Access PCs at Archives 2 in the Textual Research Room (Room 2000), the Library and Reference Consultation Room (Room 3000), and the Microfilm Reading Room (Room 4050). 

A list of microfilm publications available in the National Archives Catalog can be found here

NARA microfilm publications that are publicly available in digital form in either the National Archives Catalog or on Public Access PCs will no longer be available to view on microfilm in the Microfilm Reading Room. Archives 2 Textual Reference Staff is available to assist researchers with accessing the digital versions of these publications. Please contact or visit Room 3000 at Archives 2 to speak with a consultant.

On-site researchers may examine records on undigitized microfilm, and other micrographic formats, and finding aids in the Microfilm Reading Room at the National Archives at College Park.

  • Many of NARA's microfilm publication roll lists and descriptive pamphlets are online. By searching the Microfilm Catalog , you will be able to find out if a roll list or descriptive pamphlet is available.

Electronic Records:

The Electronic and Special Media Records are located at the National Archives in College Park. We accession, preserve, and provide access to electronic records transferred to NARA from agencies in the executive, legislative and judicial branches.

Motion Picture Films and Sound and Video Recordings

The Moving Image and Sound unit , Special Media Archives Services Division, located at the National Archives at College Park, makes available on-line some information about NARA's motion picture, sound, and video records holdings. Online finding aids to holdings and informational resources include:

Photographs and Graphic Works

The Still Pictures unit in College Park, Maryland, has an estimated 14 million analog and 2.2 million digital photographs and graphic images, ranging in date from the 1850s to the present. There are many thousands of additional photographs interfiled with textual records . The Cartographic and Architectural unit in College Park, Maryland, has approximately 9 million aerial photographs in its collection.

The Still Picture unit makes available online some information about NARA's photographic and graphic works holdings. Online finding aids to holdings and informational resources include:

Pull times:

The Nixon tapes are available, self-service, during regular Research Room hours.
Most of the microfilm collection is stored in research rooms for self-service retrieval. Reference copies of some videos, still pictures, and maps are housed in specialized research rooms for self-service use.

Researchers must be at least age 14.

Consultation times: 

Virtual consultations will be conducted prior to on-site research. Email the relevant reference branch to request an appointment:

Phone Numbers (area code 301)

  • Nixon Library (College Park) reference: 837-3290
  • Cartographic reference: 837-3200
  • Military records textual reference: 837-3510
  • Civilian records textual reference: 837-3510
  • Moving Image and Sound reference: 837-0526
  • Electronic Records reference: 837-0470
  • JFK Assassination Records reference: 837-3190
  • Still Pictures reference: 837-0561

Orientation and Research Room Procedures

New researchers will view a short PowerPoint orientation emphasizing the safe handling of records and explaining the most basic research procedures, responsibilities, and rules. New researchers should plan for a total of 15-20 minutes to complete the registration process.

Research Rooms

The Research Center contains these rooms:

Summary of Research Room Rules



  • Paper and pencils are provided to researchers. Pens and notebooks are not allowed.

  • Researchers may bring approved loose paper research notes, hand-held wallets, and coin purses into research rooms, but those items are subject to inspection when researchers enter or leave the research complex.

  • Researchers may not bring briefcases, backpacks, purses, boxes, or other large containers into the research rooms.

  • Lockers are available. A quarter is required, but is refunded when the locker key is returned. The lockers are emptied nightly.

Please see the following additional information:


Electronic surveillance is in use.

Self-Service Copying

Paper to paper copies of most documents can be made on self-service copiers at a cost of 25¢ per page. Microfilm to paper copies are 50¢ per image. Before copying any textual records researchers must show a staff member the original material they wish to duplicate. Read more about copying...

A debit card system is used to pay for self-service copies. You may use your research card as a debit card. Machines to add money are located in the research rooms. These machines accept bills and credit cards. Do not bring coins. Unused money on your card cannot be refunded. When the cashier is closed (after 4:30 Mon-Fri), it is not possible to get change in the building.

Researchers may copy certain audiovisual records using their own equipment or may rent the use of a dubbing station available in the research room. For details, call the general reference number to obtain the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Research Room orientation handout. Some audiovisual records may not be copied such as the Nixon White House tapes and copyrighted newsreels.

Special Equipment

Researchers may use their own personal computers (laptops, notebooks, etc.), approved scanners , tape recorders, tape decks, cameras (we provide copy stands for small format cameras only), and other equipment in the Research Center, but cases, bags, and boxes must remain in lockers located in the basement. Equipment carts are available in the basement near the locker area. Personal copiers and auto-feed or hand-held scanners are not permitted.

Contact Information


Mailing/Visiting Address

National Archives at College Park
8601 Adelphi Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001

Archives II is located on Adelphi Road near the University of Maryland's College Park campus. 

Deliveries - please use the 3301 Metzerott Road entrance.

3301 Metzerott Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001



Driving directions

From I-495 (The Capital Beltway) take exit 28B for New Hampshire Avenue (Route 650) south.
Once headed south on New Hampshire, take a left at the second light onto Adelphi Road.
Follow Adelphi Road for a couple of miles until you see the large green sign for Archives II on the left. Turn into the entrance.


3301 Metzerott Road
College Park, MD 20740-6001


Visitor parking is available, but occasionally can be limited during research hours. If you plan to visit, we recommend that you use public transportation ( see below).

If you intend to drive and park, please note:

  • Parking opens to the public at 8:00 AM and you must leave the parking areas no later than 30 minutes after the research room closes. (Jump to hours for College Park, MD )
  • Upon arrival, a security officer will:
    • Check the driver's license of the operator and photo identification of any passengers (all visitors must present photo ID)
    • Direct you to the parking garage, satellite parking or street parking based on parking availability
  • Ample accessible designated parking is available and is closest to elevators on all three levels of the parking garage.
  • Overnight parking is not permitted. If your vehicle becomes disabled in our parking areas, please inform a security officer as towing is enforced.
  • If the Homeland National Terrorism Alert System (NTAS) is raised to an "Imminent or Elevated Threat Alert", additional security screening procedures may significantly delay entrance of visitor vehicles, as random vehicle inspections will occur. This will include an inspection of the under carriage with mirrors and the trunk and passenger compartments. Any vehicle operator who will not permit the inspection will be denied parking and required to leave the property.

    Note: NARA reserves the authority to randomly inspect vehicles even if the NTAS is not raised.


Subway Service

Take Metrorail's Green Line to the College Park Metro station.

Bus Service

The C-8 Metrobus provides service from the College Park Metro station on the Green Line to NARA's College Park facility.

The C-8 Metrobus , the College Park/White Flint line, also serves Red Line stations at:

  • White Flint
  • Glenmont

For more specific information on routes, fares, and timetables for Metrobus and Metrorail, please see the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority or telephone Metro at 202-637-7000.

(Note: the National Archives and Records Administration is not responsible for any information posted on ).

Free Staff Shuttle Bus

  • Monday through Friday only
  • Between the College Park and Washington, DC buildings.
  • Depart Washington, DC: 8 AM - 5 PM on the hour
  • Depart College Park: 8 AM - 5 PM on the hour
  • Researchers may use it on a space available basis.
  • Fully accessible for persons with disabilities, and are lift-equipped for wheelchairs

Distance from Local Airports

  • From Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport (DCA): 14 miles
  • From Baltimore/Washington International Airport (BWI): 28 miles
  • From Washington Dulles International Airport (IAD): 34 miles

Food Service

In College Park, there is a full-service cafeteria where meals and snacks may be purchased Monday through Friday. The cafeteria is conveniently located on the first floor adjacent to the Main Lobby.

  • Breakfast is served from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m.
  • From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., a choice of hot entrees, soups, salads, daily specials, sandwiches, and grilled foods is available.
  • Smoking is permitted on the outdoor terrace.


See also The National Archives in the Nation's Capital, Information for Researchers , General Information Leaflet 71.


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