Application FAQs
Do you have any general advice for a repository or cultural institution seeking grant support?
- Prospective applicants should speak with an NHPRC program officer . Program officers may discuss specific project ideas with the applicant, help with budget problems, provide advice about the review process, answer eligibility questions, supply a sample of a successful application, and/or read and comment on a preliminary draft. Applicants also will improve their chances of presenting a successful proposal by submitting a draft for review by an NHPRC program officer. Draft submissions receive detailed feedback.
What materials should I include in my draft?
- NHPRC program staff need to see a project budget and full narrative. The supplementary materials are not needed at this early stage.
What materials should I include in my application?
- Applicants must consult the grant opportunity announcement and application instructions for specific details about the materials required for submission. But generally applicants will submit a NHPRC budget form, narrative, and supplemental materials. Applicants must submit these materials as PDF files via
What should I expect after I submit the application to
- After submission to, applicants will receive a series of 4-5 emails from The last email will note “Application accepted by agency.” Several days after the application deadline eligible applicants will receive an email acknowledgment from NHPRC staff noting receipt of their proposal.
What should I do if I am having trouble accessing or submitting my application to
- Applicants with technical or administrative issues should contact the Help Desk at 1-800-518-4726 and receive a “trouble ticket.” Applicants also must contact Jeff de la Concepcion ( or 202-357-5022 no later than by 3:00 p.m. Eastern Time on the application deadline. NHPRC staff encourage applicants to become familiar with and register for far ahead of the application deadline. Applicants need not wait until the deadline date to submit via
When will we hear whether or not we received a grant?
- The Commission acts on grant awards in May and November. NHPRC staff post a notice with the exact date before each meeting. All applicants will be notified within two weeks following the Archivist's final decision.
How can we increase our cost-share contribution?
- Each grant announcement will explain the financial requirements for that program. An applicant's cost-share contribution can be made up of a number of items, including salaries and fringe benefits of existing staff and indirect costs. Contact the Commission staff for additional assistance with budget questions.
To whom should we address letters of support?
- Letters of support should be addressed to Christopher Eck, Executive Director NHPRC. They should be included along with the other supplemental materials.
Can I receive a grant to research and publish a book?
- No. Projects to research and publish scholarly or popular historical works and family or local histories are not eligible for NHPRC support. The Commission supports only the publication of collections of historical documents and records. See the Publishing Historical Records in Documentary Editions announcement for more details.