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Michael Jaeger
Als Kind machte ich meine ersten Fotografieerfahrungen. Mit einer Fotobox. Die Fotografie hat mich seither nicht mehr losgelassen. Bilder sind ein Stück Leben, ein Zeitdokument eines Augenblicks.
Neue Möglichkeiten, wie die 3D-Gestaltung bedeuten für mich den Einstieg in eine neue Welt, Gedanken und Fantasien zu vermitteln, an einer Stelle, an der der Fotografie Grenzen gesetzt sind.
Ich bin aber auch leidenschaftlicher Musiker, spiele Klavier und schreibe eigene Songs.
All works by Michael Jaeger (46 pictures)
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger -
from the gallery of Michael Jaeger