Мария Власенко
I am an 27 years old artist from Kharkiv, Ukraine.I have been drawing since my childhood.I love to express my emotions and feeling on paper and canvas.
I feel myself fullfilled when I draw something,take inspiration from the beauty of nature, people faces,cultural customs of different countries, music and travelling . Most of all, I like to draw animals and nature.
I dream that one day I may paint a masterpiece that is so perfect I could disappear into it.
I have no special education, but I like to draw most of all in my life and try to develop my skills in it.
One more direction in art that I addicted to- is tattoing. I have been a tattoo artist for 8 years.
Откройте для себя современные произведения искусства от Мария Власенко, посмотрите последние работы и купите онлайн. Категории: украинские современные художники. Художественные домены: Картина, Рисунок. Тип учётной записи: Художник , зарегистрирован 2023 (Страна происхождения Украина). Купить последние работы Мария Власенко на ArtMajeur: Откройте для себя потрясающие произведения современного художника Мария Власенко: . Просматривайте его художественные произведения, покупайте оригинальные работы или высококачественные репродукции.
Рейтинг артиста, Биография, Мастерская художника:
Последние произведения • 18 произведений
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Работы художника были замечены редакцией
Художнику меньше 30 лет
I am an 27 years old artist from Kharkiv, Ukraine.I have been drawing since my childhood.I love to express my emotions and feeling on paper and canvas.
I feel myself fullfilled when I draw something,take inspiration from the beauty of nature, people faces,cultural customs of different countries, music and travelling . Most of all, I like to draw animals and nature.
I dream that one day I may paint a masterpiece that is so perfect I could disappear into it.
I have no special education, but I like to draw most of all in my life and try to develop my skills in it.
One more direction in art that I addicted to- is tattoing. I have been a tattoo artist for 8 years.
- Дата рождения : 1996
- Художественные домены:
- Группы: Украинские Современные Художники

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