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Posts about pregnancy
- Expecting a baby By Jenna1234jHey guys, I splashed out and got an artipoppe carrier (I got the black and white checkered one, it is soooo pretty) but only found out afterwards that you can use a discount code so if anyone is looking to buy one I have a code you can use to get $82 off! Just comment or message if you’d like it and00
- Baby names By meramI love the name Siva, pronounced like Ceeva, but I found out that with the Siva spelling, many people would pronounce it like Shiva, the Hindu god, as his name is often spelled "Siva". Since I have no Indian roots, I don't want this name to instantly bring to mind the god Shiva. What are your thoug10
- Baby names By marin_m2nd boy - looking at the name Lachie or Lachy (not as a nickname for Lachlan but as the full name). Which spelling would you use? Our surname starts with C.0018 votes
- Expecting a baby By NovbabynHi guys! Since last friday night I have had multiple positive and negative tests, I have had a blood test and am hoping to get the results on Friday but am pulling my hair out in the meantime wondering! Has anyone experienced this?00
- Expecting a baby By Babyno3bCan someone help. Its so itchy. My underboob area has become sore and pigmented from the rash because of it getting sweaty. I change my bras all the time and still feel so itchy.10Advertisement | page continues below
- Baby names By Katepiper1kWe are set on Cleo for a first name. I love Isabella but it is my brothers girlfriends name… is that weird? Open to more suggestions!! Sister is Lola Rose5014 votes
- Expecting a baby By FirsttimeMumma01fHi, Ive just recently had my 12 week ultrasound at 12weeks4days. NT scan came back fine, measuring at 1.1mm. But the concern from my doctor is that the abdomen is measuring at 11weeks1day. And the head is measuring at 12weeks1day but bub is 12 weeks 4days. I was just wondering if anyone has go00
- Expecting a baby By GinaThomsgI’m going to be having my baby at the RBWH in early July and I was just wondering if my baby will get to stay with me overnight in a shared ward after birth or if they will have to go somewhere else?40
Posts about babies
- BreastfeedingBy UttarauHello all, i am 9 weeks pp. Does anyone donated breastmilk? Whats the process in Victoria?30
- BreastfeedingBy Sula2409sHello everyone x Looking for some advice please. I was 10 weeks along in an unexpected pregnancy however am currently having a miscarriage. I also have an 8 month old who was exclusively breastfed, however doctors advised that the pregnancy hormones likely have tanked my supply and so I had to star00
- BreastfeedingBy Iqra123iBreastfeeding10
- BreastfeedingBy Iqra123iHi my baby is 2 weeks and her feeding way is not understandable my midwife said fed her after every 2-3 hours she is on breastfeeding but she fed after every hour she sucks my breast only for 5-7 minutes and stop sucking she slepts sometimes or she awake and didn’t suck i force my nipple in her mou10
- BreastfeedingBy SecondtimemammasHey all Did anyone else breastfeed their first bub while pregnant with their second. Im 5 weeks and 2 days today and have been told its safe. Im planning on weaning baby around 12 months, so in January. Im a little nervous it can harm the unborn baby if i continue to breastfeed?20
- Sleep - babies and toddlersBy Quinnie01qAny tips for encouraging a 6-month-old to eat more during the day and reduce night feeds? He used to drink 180ml per feed but now drinks less during the day and wakes at 10pm, 2am, and 5am for milk. He’s had a blocked nose for 2 weeks, but it has improved. Could he be teething? He used to skip 130
- BreastfeedingBy Sil87sLong story short: My GP prescribed Staphylex 500 for mastitis and told me to throw away the expressed milk as it could harm my baby’s liver. I did it although I had two other GPs and friends telling me that flucloxacillin is safe while breastfeeding. Mastitis is back just on the day I wanted to ge20
- BreastfeedingBy CarolynD3Hi everyone, I am a first time mum here and would appreciate your opinion and suggestions regarding stopping breastfeeding after a year. My son is 10 months old now and I am planning to stop breastfeeding when is 1 year old and hopefully get ready slowly for second pregnancy. I have read alot abo30
Posts about getting pregnant
- Getting pregnantBy Gkc8gHey everyone. I've been TTC #2 for over 10 months now. Gynae has suggested doing some tests which will get results back in 6 weeks. She's suggested if the tests all look good to trial either ovulation induction or fallopian tube flushing. Just wanting to see other people's experiences with these-10
- Getting pregnantBy krowoSo I did a pregnancy test at 7dpo because I “feel” pregnant. Got a faint positive. Today I tested again at 8dpo and a definite positive. Both tests were done in the afternoon/evening, and within 2 hours since I last peed. My cycle is always exactly 28 days, but could I have ovulated early? Anyone el70
- Getting pregnantBy Ninth1nI’m 5dp5dt, the embryo was poor quality. For full disclosure the cheapies fooled me last transfer thinking I had a faint positive. They’re pretty awful- I forgot to buy new ones. The bottom 2 are dry. The top is at 5 mins/still wet. I think I’m getting Evaps. Cant see any pink in the FRER line. Any100
- Getting pregnantBy MelanthamVery descriptive TMI about blood details , do not read if you are easily grossed out 😆 I had my MC on the 27th Feb , tomorrow marks 3 weeks and the 1st 7 days i had heavy red fresh bleeding , then next 7 days old brown spotting with stringy bits and debris it had started to dwindle i had hop40
- Getting pregnantBy MichKasmHey ladies! Just wanted to share my experience so far in case anyone else is struggling to fall pregnant! So my timeline was as follows: Dec 2023 to Jan 2025 - trying to fall pregnant naturally but just wasn't ovulating. I had fallen pregnant when I was young and had a medical abortion so I knew I24
- Assisted Conception By mumof13mAfter 5 unsuccessful iui's and 2 unsuccessful ivf's, I took a break for a few months to gather myself this has been a long 4.5 year journey, with not 1 positive test. This month I have done the "scratch" and in April I will do the sis and hycosy procedures and I am hoping may/June to try again and g30
- Assisted Conception By T224tI’m currently with a clinic that is mainly nurse led. You see the specialist initially and then contact and all scans are with nurses who liaise with the doctor behind the scenes. Egg collection is by the specialist rostered on the day. I went to this clinic as the head specialist is quite famous60
- Getting pregnantBy Mariareyes25mHi!!! is it possible to be testing positive like this 5 weeks after miscarriage??? I stopped bleeding 2 weeks after miscarriage. Feb 15th & my husband had i been trying ever since i stopped bleeding. Im so stressed out because my dr won’t see me no time soon..40