How do I stop myself from getting down about how my body looks 😭
my body changed a lot after my 3rd due to where my c section scar is and how big it was. Now when my belly gets bigger it just hangs at the bottom and it’s really affecting my mental health. I know that may sound stupid as obviously g
Hi all, my Bub is 9 kgs and 78 cms which puts him in around 40th percentile of weight but 90th percentile in height. Due to being taller, he actually looks so thin. He is now being super active and concentrating less on his food. Just want to know how much your baby weighs and how much is the length
Hi all,
just looking for experiences on getting period and fertility back after loss.
I found out my baby had died at my 22 week scan and delivered last Sunday.
My cervix is back closed and bleeding has stopped, except I have a little brown discharge still, which I have been told is normal.
I am