CAILLEBOTTE GUSTAVE: (1848-1894) French painter associated with the Impressionists. A.L.S., G Caillebotte, one page, small 8vo, Petit Gennevilliers, n.d. ('Lundi'), to [Claude Monet] ('Mon cher ami'), in French. The artist informs his friend 'Je suis ici depuis le commencement du mois. J'ai eu un temps ignoble naturellement' (Translation: 'I have been here since the beginning of the month. I had a lousy time of course') and asks Monet to come and see him, in a postscript adding 'Martial prepare
CAILLEBOTTE GUSTAVE: (1848-1894) French painter who was a member and patron of the Impressionists. Caillebotte is also remembered for his early interest in photography as an art form. A fine, scarce A.L.S., G Caillebotte, three pages, 8vo, n.p. (Petit-Gennevilliers, near Paris), n.d. ('Mardi'; June 1883), to [Claude Monet] ('Mon cher ami'), in French. Caillebotte writes a friendly letter to his fellow artist, making reference to his work and other painters, in full, 'Depuis deux mois que je suis
GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE (1848-1894) Les Jardiniers oil on canvas 35 1/4 x 45 7/8 in. (89.6 x 116.8 cm.) Painted in Yerres circa 1877
GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE (1848-1894) Le bassin d'Argenteuil oil on canvas 25 3/4 x 32 in. (65.5 x 81.4 cm.) Painted in Petit Gennevilliers circa 1882-1883
CAILLEBOTTE GUSTAVE: (1848-1894) French Painter. Member and patron of the Impressionists. Caillebotte was also noted for his early interest in photography as an art form. A.L.S., `G. Caillebotte´, one page, 8vo, Gennevilliers - Paris, 27th December 1891, on his personal printed stationery, to Madame Minoret, in French. Caillebotte gladly accepts a Christmas time invitation stating in part `Madame, thank you for your kind invitation which I accept with the greatest pleasure..´, further sending hi
Milton Avery. Art Of The Deccan. Gustave Caillebotte. Movie Posters. 11" By 9.5"
CAILLEBOTTE GUSTAVE: (1848-1894) French Painter. Member and patron of the Impressionists. Caillebotte was also noted for his early interest in photography as an art form. An excellent A.L.S., `G. Caillebotte´, one page, 8vo, n.p., n.d., Wednesday morning, 06h, to Claude Monet, in French. Caillebotte sends a message referring to Monet´s yacht, stating `My dear friend, your yacht will leave with the first carrier available and will leave it at the lock of Port Villez.´ Further explaining that it i
GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE (1848-1894)\nJeune homme à sa fenêtre\n\nsigned and dated 'G Caillebotte. 1876' (lower left)\n\noil on canvas\n\n45 5/8 x 31 7/8 in. (116 x 81 cm.)\n\nPainted in 1876
Ce catalogue recense 565 oeuvres\nde Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894). Ces peintures et pastels\nreprésentent divers sujets allant de la scène d'intérieur au\npaysage en passant par la scène de genre, le portrait ou la nature\nmorte. Caillebotte demeure cet artiste insaisissable dont l'oeuvre\nest sensiblement tourné vers l'impressionnisme.. Wildenstein\nInstitute. 1994
Approximately 25" x 20.5" by Gustave Caillebotte
Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894) Le Petit bras de la Seine à Argenteuil avec le cachet 'G Caillebotte' (en bas à droite) huile sur toile 81 x 62.3 cm. Peint vers 1890 stamped 'G Caillebotte' (lower right) oil on canvas 31 7/8 x 24 ½ in. Painted circa 1890
Claude MONET (1840-1926).\nL.A.S., Giverny 28 octobre 1893, à Mme veuve Flament, à\nArgenteuil ; 1 page et quart in-8 à l’encre violette à l’adresse de\nGiverny, enveloppe.\n\nLettre relative au Déjeuner sur l’herbe, que Monet avait\nlaissé en gage chez Flament, menuisier à Argenteuil, et qu’il\nrécupéra par l’intermédiaire de Gustave Caillebotte.\n\n« Je vous prie de m’excuser de n’avoir pas répondu plus tôt à\nvotre lettre du 20 sepre dernier, mais je pensais toujours venir à\nArgenteuil chez
29 Books on Impressionism i. The Age of the Impressionists by Denis Thomas ii. Impressionist in Winter by Effets de Neige iii. The Lost World of the Impressionists by Alice Bellony-Rewald iv. Lasting Impressions: American Painters in France, 1865-1915 by William H. Gerdts v. The New Painting: Impressionism, 1874-1886 by Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco vi. Origins of Impressionism by The Metropolitan Museum of Art vii. Gustave Caillebotte: Urban Impressionist by Anne Diste viii. The Impression
MORTON, M. (&) G.T.M. SHACKELFORD. Gustave Caillebotte. The Painter's Eye. (2015). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- M. MARRINAN. Gustave Caillebotte. Painting the Paris of Naturalism, 1872-1887. (2016). Sm-4°. Obrds. w. dust-j. -- J.S. BOGGS. Degas at the Races. (1998). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- R.A. RABINOW, ed. Cézanne to Picasso. Ambroise Vollard, Patron of the Avant-Garde. (2006). Fol. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- And 4 o. (on Degas). (8).
CAILLEBOTTE (Gustave) - L.A.S. 2 p. sur 1 double f. in-12 (17,9 x 11,2 cm). Le Petit Gennevilliers, 7 juillet 1892. - L.A.S. 1 p. et demie sur 1 double f. in-12 (17,9 x 11,2 cm). Le Petit Gennevilliers, 9 juillet 1892. - L.A.S. 1 p. sur 1 f. in-12 (17,9 x 11,2 cm). Le Petit Gennevilliers, s. d. [juillet 1892]. Ces trois lettres rédigées au début du mois de juillet 1892 concernent le mariage de Claude Monet et d'Alice Hoschedé, qui a lieu le 16 juillet à Giverny. Caillebotte et Helleu sont les té
ARTIST: GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE \n\nTITLE: (After) THE SEINE AND THE RAILROAD BRIDGE AT ARGENTEUIL (LA SEINE ET LE PONT DU CHEMIN DE FER D'ARGENTEUIL), 1885 OR 1887 \n\nSIZE: 44 x 32 1/2 in. \n\nMedium: Unembelished Giclee Print on Canvas \n\nPaper Type: High Quality Artist Grade 350 Gsm, Acid-free, Archival Canvas \n\nBiography: Gustave Caillebotte French painter, art collector, and impresario who combined aspects of the academic and Impressionist styles in a unique synthesis. Born into a wealthy f
Huile sur toile marouflée sur panneau "Portrait présumé de Gustave Caillebotte en tenue de peintre". Anonyme. Ecole française. Epoque: XIXème. Dim.:+/-37x27,5cm.
ARTIST: GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE \n\nTITLE: (After) BANKS OF THE SEINE AT ARGENTEUIL \n\nSIZE: 36 x 29 1/2 Inches \n\nMedium: Unembelished Giclee Print on Canvas \n\nPaper Type: High Quality Artist Grade 350 Gsm, Acid-free, Archival Canvas \n\nBiography: Gustave Caillebotte French painter, art collector, and impresario who combined aspects of the academic and Impressionist styles in a unique synthesis. Born into a wealthy family, Caillebotte (1848-1894) trained to be an engineer but became interested
A Rainy Day After Gustave Caillott Hand embellished giclee on canvas. The signature is in the plate. Custom framed. Approx 30x40 inches. Includes certificate of authenticity.
WITTMER, P. Caillebotte and his garden at Yerres. (1991). 4°. Ocl. w. dust-j. -- (P. VALLAUD, ed.). Gustave Courbet. 2007. 4°. Owrps. -- S. v. DIJK. 'Beauty adorns virtue'. Dress in portraits of women by Leonardo da Vinci. 2015. 4°. Owrps. -- C. DEPAUW & G. LUIJTEN. Antoon v. Dyck en de prentkunst. (1999). 4°. Owrps. -- P.J.J. v. THIEL, (e.a.). Prijst de lijst. De Hollandse schilderijlijst in de 17e eeuw. 1984. Prof. ill. 4°. Owrps. (Plasticized). -- And 9 o. (14).
Gustave Caillebotte (1848-1894)\n\nRive de la Seine au Petit-Gennevilliers\n\nstamped with signature ‘G Caillebotte’ (lower right)\n\noil on canvas\n\n23 ¾ x 28 7/8 in. (60.3 x 73.3 cm.)\n\nPainted circa 1888
ARTIST: GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE \n\nTITLE: (After) PARIS STREET--RAINY WEATHER (STUDY) \n\nSIZE: 30 x 24 7/8 Inches \n\nMedium: Unembelished Giclee Print on Canvas \n\nPaper Type: High Quality Artist Grade 350 Gsm, Acid-free, Archival Canvas \n\nBiography: Gustave Caillebotte French painter, art collector, and impresario who combined aspects of the academic and Impressionist styles in a unique synthesis. Born into a wealthy family, Caillebotte (1848-1894) trained to be an engineer but became interes
ARTIST: GUSTAVE CAILLEBOTTE \n\nTITLE: (After) PORTRAIT DE MONSIEUR R \n\nIMAGE SIZE: 16 x 12 7/8 Inches \n\nART MEDIUM: Un-Embelished Giclee Print. \n\nPAPER TYPE: Premium Archival Matte Paper. \n\nART STATE: Professionally Framed and Ready to Hang. \n\nBIOGRAPHY: Gustave Caillebotte French painter, art collector, and impresario who combined aspects of the academic and Impressionist styles in a unique synthesis. Born into a wealthy family, Caillebotte (1848-1894) trained to be an engineer but b
Caillebotte Portrait Paul Hugot Repro Painting. Large scale reproduction oil on canvas painting titled "Portrait of Paul Hugot" by Gustave Caillebotte. Originally done in 1878. 93 inches x 46 inches.
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