August 12, 2024
Dear Moore Elementary Families,
The first day of school is rapidly approaching and I would like to formally welcome you and your family to the 2024 – 2025 school year!
The first day of school for students in first through fifth grade is Monday, August 26, 2024. Kindergarten families should refer to their staggered start letter for modified first day information.
Students will be admitted to Moore at 8:10 am through the main doors and report directly to their homerooms. Homeroom assignments will be posted to skyward along with student schedules by Friday, August 16, 2024.
Students participating in the school’s breakfast program should enter through the main doors between 7:45 am and 8:15 am. Students not participating in the breakfast will not be admitted to the building prior to 8:10 am and should not report to school prior to that time.
Please note that if you are driving your child(ren) to school we ask that students exit the vehicle when it is stopped between the upper and lower sets of stairs. They do not need to be dropped off at the front door as the traffic must continue to flow on Dalewood. If your child(ren) need assistance getting out of the car, park along either Elton, Brownsville, or before the drop-off area as there is no parking on the right side of Dalewood. Also, at the end of the day, there is no parking on the right side of the street. At dismissal we ask that you keep the sidewalks clear so that students, families, and strollers can pass without having to get into the street.
Students in kindergarten and first grade must be dismissed to a parent, guardian, or older sibling. Students in first through second grade will be dismissed at 3:00 pm through the upper doors. Third, fourth and fifth grade students will exit via the playground stairs at 3:00 pm. Kindergarten students dismiss at 2:55 pm. Miss Maiden’s class will come out the main doors; Mrs. O’Neill’s class will exit from the upper doors.
Please note that all students are to leave school property at dismissal time as there is no supervision for students after dismissal. Students wishing to use the playground after school must be accompanied by an adult. Students must be picked up within 15 minutes of their dismissal.
Finally, with the new school year approaching, I would like to remind families that regular and consistent attendance is very important to the academic success of our students. If a student must miss school due to an illness or other allowable reason, we ask that a note be submitted to school within 3 days of return. Failure to submit an excuse within 3 days will result in that absence being marked as unexcused.
We look forward to seeing our Moore students and their families in the coming weeks. Please call the Moore office at 412-881-7776 if you have any additional questions or concerns.
Dr. Bonnie Betler