Barbecue paneer and mushroom skewers

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Barbecue paneer and mushroom skewers
over 2 hours
10 to 30 mins
Serves 4

When you have friends round for a barbecue, these paneer and mushroom skewers with a sticky lime, cayenne and rosemary glaze are an irresistible side dish or vegetarian option.

You will need 4 barbecue skewers – either metal or wooden.


For the dressing


  1. If using wooden skewers, soak them in cold water for 1 hour before using.

  2. Put the paneer cubes into a bowl of boiling water for 10 minutes: this will improve the texture.

  3. Meanwhile, mix all the ingredients for the dressing in a large bowl.

  4. Drain the paneer, pat dry with kitchen paper, then tip it into the bowl with the dressing. Add the mushrooms and mix well, then leave to marinate in the fridge for 2 hours, or overnight.

  5. Preheat the barbecue. Thread the paneer and mushrooms alternately onto the skewers.

  6. Once the barbecue is hot, grill the skewers for 4–5 minutes on each side, brushing them with the marinade left in the bowl when you turn them. When the cheese is nicely browned and the mushrooms are cooked through, arrange on a platter, scatter with a little sea salt, and serve hot.