Oceans10 Mar 2025Can you ever really clean up an oil spill?Major oil spills can be catastrophic for seabirds and marine life. Nearly 15 years on from the biggest marine spill in history, are we any better at cleaning up oil at sea?10 Mar 2025Future4 Mar 2025The world's strongest ocean current is at riskAntarctica's remote and mysterious current has a profound influence on the climate, food systems and Antarctic ecosystems. Can we stop it weakening by 2050?4 Mar 2025Future15 Feb 2025World's sea-ice falls to record lowThe world's frozen oceans keep the planet cool, but they currently have less ice than ever recorded before. 15 Feb 2025Climate7 Jan 2025The greatest sailing rescue ever madeIn January 1997, British sailor Tony Bullimore was trapped for four days in an upturned yacht that was filling up with "bitterly cold" water in the Southern Ocean.7 Jan 2025Culture18 Dec 2024The controversial device trapping CO2 in the oceanEquatic is among a wave of start-ups exploring how the ocean could be harnessed to capture and store carbon. But not everyone is sure it's such a good idea.18 Dec 2024Future16 Dec 2024Seven climate wins you may have missed in 2024Global temperatures rose and extreme weather ramped up, but there were also some significant breakthroughs for the climate this year.16 Dec 2024Future14 Dec 2024World's biggest iceberg heads north after escaping vortexThe world's biggest iceberg is drifting towards the Atlantic Ocean after being stuck near Antarctica.14 Dec 2024Science & Environment11 Dec 2024Why humpback whales are changing courseHumpback whales have been making a conservation comeback – but warming seas are putting their recovery at risk.11 Dec 2024Future19 Nov 2024Why the Big Apple was once the Big OysterOver the course of 10 years, the Billion Oyster Project, one of New York's most ambitious rewilding initiatives, has planted 150 million larvae in its harbour. Did it work?19 Nov 2024Future...