Dimitris “Dj Thane” Manolatos been born and grew in Athens, 22/05/1990. Has finished Electrician of Internal Installations and this moment studies in Polytechnic Colleges of Telecommunications Systems and Networks in Naypaktos. Dimitris began his musical travel in 2005 experimented in the beginning in Software Dj Programs while then he came in contact with first CDs and began creation Mix CDs in Electro House Genre. In 2006 begin and professionally working as Resident DJ in cafeterias and bars. The support of his family but also his friends, gives him more force, energy and courage and begins collaboration with their SoundRevS and begins appearances in the Gazi (Athens).Afterwards from enough Live DJ Sets Buzz Club beginstheir collaboration together and is established there from 2007 up to 2008. That period bootleg “Just Dance