Latest Releases
Pretty Little Tech House Rockets, Vol. 2
Ryan Legend, W&Black, Paul Hall, Trevor Lafitte, Sad Faces, Prisma, Neer, Lenny Richards, Yuko, Ashton McGrey, Patrick Douglas, Sander Mind, Thomas Orbs, Saya Dalton, Paul Wesley, Tired Mood, Benny Size, Melina Lock, Sonic DJ, Andrew Livingston, Tanya Lafriniere, Paul Shaker, David Madera, Spencer D, Kalibro, Clarence Laroque, Pete Wilson, Andrey Vulcano, Mick Malstrano, Andreas Perell
Universal Language (The Tech House Edition), Vol. 3
Orwell Gee, Prisma, Al Bennett, J. K. Scott, Lynn De Do, Saya Dalton, Quantic 314, Sharon Lestars, Raven Knight, Sad Faces, Frank Lewis, Livia Valentino, Mark Landers, Paul Wesley, Linux, Joshua Hernandez, Quicket, Neer, Jason Wolf, Ascard, Ylenia Ivashkov, Lenny Richards, Zaggas Snake, Ricky Solero, Ronald Gin
Less Drama More Tech House, Vol. 3
Linux, N° 18, Paul Wesley, Steen Lovegood, Ryan Gorch, Paul Shaker, Tired Mood, Quantic 314, Patrick Douglas, Tommy Dunmer, Quicket, Lory Deep, Neer, Sam Tortona, The Guys, Byblosa, Joshua Hernandez, Steven Stun, Mat Jefferson, Zorah, Meta Bolik, Jason Wolf, Raian, David Madera, J.K. Hernandez, Thomas Orbs, Amy de Vries, Kay Wolf, Max Jesus, Terry Adams
Gods of Techno (Supersonik Music)
Kevin Clain, Lucky Luis, Patrik Perry, Peter Parkel, Lamer, Victor Joe, Venom Bruce, In The Future, Moroderry, Frick Ferry, Moreno, Abdel Kamut, Alex Win, Quantic 314, Berry, Coffeine Starz, Digital Wave, Darwin Luis, Nicholas J, Neer, N° 18, Morgan Doom, Techtrax 32, Paranoise, Prisma, Ghost Rex, Kubris Ken, Bruce Roa, Homo Mars, Burt Klus
Divine Sounds
Beyer Squad, Xemnas, Shaker, Mr. Jackal, Sam X, Ocb, Alzir, Mr. Doll, Noctis, Bamboo X, Neer, 3rd Port, Mondo, Micron, Paranoise, William Bent, Quantic 314, Tron Trax, Saix, Techtrax 32, Sora, 4Beat, Smoke, Secret Side, Prisma, Berry, Nervous Brain, Morph