Pasquale Toscano in art Paco Toscano was born in 1990near Naples. Since early age he devoted himself to theselection of songs and music discs for private parties andmusical contexts private, doing it for hobby andpassion. Thanks to its excellent taste and selections ofmusic, he decides to buy his first console to devote himselfexclusively to the art of “djing”.After a period of Housemusic, he began to cultivate the best Neapolitan Technomusic of the moment, the same techno music since 2007have conquered Europe and today all the world. But the realevolution takes place in 2009, spent the summer at Ibiza,fascinated by new sounds, dark and slower discoveries onthe island, he decided to bring them back in Italy puttingthem into their own sound in a Tech Deep slower. Change isalso due to the