Courtis alias Ralf Hedemann was born and raised in Bonn,Germany.In his childhood he discovered his fascination for cassettedecks and turntables and soon owned his first Hi-Fi system.In the late 80's he received his first mixtape with music byDuran Duran, Depeche Mode and similar artists of that timefrom his mother.A few years later he got his first mixtape with electronicdance music on it. They called it Acid House. From then onCourtis developed a strong interest and started recordingradio stations like HR3 Clubnight, BFBS London and laterEvosonic, which were playing Techno and House music.It was the early 90's when he made his first experiences inclubs, whichwere very special to him and changed his life: His passionfor electronic music was reaching the next peak!He had to get his second turntable to be able