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Jump, Jump, Jump - Hardstyle Anthems of 2015
Escaflown, Bio Elements, DJ Thera, BDisco, Re-Done, Nytro, W4cko, Geck-O, Ecstatic, Alphaverb, Intractable One, Hardstyle Provider, Aeros, Project Exile, Mr. Riddler, Down By Force, Pulse of the Shit, Danzaster, Zeno, Secret Unity, Blackburn, Atomik V, Low Profile, Delete, Revocate, Quantum, Timekeeperz, Iota, Gyze, Dj-chart, Sykes, Toxwen, Delirysound
Hardstyle of the Year 2015
Escaflown, Bio Elements, DJ Thera, BDisco, Re-Done, Nytro, W4cko, Geck-O, Ecstatic, Alphaverb, Intractable One, Hardstyle Provider, Aeros, Project Exile, Mr. Riddler, Down By Force, Pulse of the Shit, Danzaster, Zeno, Secret Unity, Blackburn, Atomik V, Low Profile, Delete, Revocate, Quantum, Timekeeperz, Iota, Gyze, Dj-chart, Sykes, Toxwen, Delirysound
Happy Jumpstyle 2014 (Happy New Year)
DJ Greg C, Bountyhunter, B - Tox, K- Jo, Lethal MG, Alessander Colson, Amx, Beta K, Chicago Zone, DR X, Daweedz, Damon J, DJ Ba-Back, Hydrot3k, Electrostan, DJ Xall, Fragmax, XTremfusion, Fly, Binum, Lobotomy Inc, Judge Lawrence, DJ Dark R, Bjorn Smith, Matt B, Lo Tr@xx, DJ Seb B, Omnibus, Loona, Dinamik, Re-Order, Dark System, Dll, Klap's, Solo, Jenny D. Light, Skyus, Morfu, Karl F, Kartman, LNY, TNZ, Microbe, Master Jack, Lovax Traxx, Oxley, Soulshiverz, DJ Ross, Smurf DJ
Happy Jumpstyle 2013 (Happy New Year 2013)
Ydnass, Lobotomy Inc, Amx, B - Tox, K- Jo, Chicago Zone, Bountyhunter, Kartman, B-express, Microbe, Electrostan, The Bang Stylerz, Jenny D. Light, DJ Xall, Lethal MG, DJ KN'S, DJ Greg C, RDC, Kosmik, DJ Seb B, Babaorum Team, Solo, Trash P, Fragmax, XTremfusion, Binum, Karl F, Norman Kash, Judge Lawrence, Stunt Crew, Dll, TeckClubber, Shink Ariol, Acidozer, Hydrot3k, Skyus, Morfu