Latest Releases
Luxury Lounge for an Evening at Home, Vol. 3
El Scaparon, Da King, Xenya, Marshall Wee, Early Gold, Antigua Beach Lovers, Examination, Nova Lounge, James Walden, Cee Jazz, Daniel Ranner, European Chill, Alexandre Versel, Maestro, Olivo Street, Hammond Free, Leena Love, Bassogroove, Heaven Project, Frak Dee, Dee Lovers, Ezzee, Alphonzo J, Midnight Lovers, Godiva Street, Bass House Ensemble
Seven Sundays (Cozy Lounge Tunes), Vol. 2
Grand Dee, Jazz Piano, The Beach Hotel, Midtempo Lovers, Kostant Groove, Rain Piano, Pier-O, Jonio Jazz Group, La Kanto, Frak Dee, Lazy Hammock, Ivan M-Sax, UK One, James Altura, Frank Demegni, Quattro Groove Foundation, Philippe Martin, Fashion Groovers, Michel Haimann, Giacomo Toschinini, Palinuro Groovers, Olivo Street, Purechill, NYC Lovers, Quantum Energy, No Mood, Frank Dee, Bahramji & Beach Messiah
Extreme Couching, Vol. 1 (30 Fantastic Lay Back Tunes)
Nova Casa, Gordon Geco, Francesco Demegni, Living Room, Gerrit Van Der Meer, Aandra, Jay Beach, The Russo Groove, Project Blue Sun, Lana Delgado, Laurent Garcones, Weathertunes, Michael Korg, Steven Solveig, Golden Jade, Mathieu, Florzinho, Green Pistaches, Gaba Milani, Euphonic Traveller, The Beach Hotel, Jazzin' Lovers, Frak Dee, Bank Of Sound, Seventy Moods, Angela Puxi, Raffika Dionisio, Anphibia
Tokyo Deep, Vol. 10 (The Sound of Tokyo)
Cristal Dream, Mr. Handmade, Jean Louis Vallee, Cold Night, Jeffrey Champion, Dee Point, Frakie Fresh, Dee Frank, For Emotion, Gold Jeans, Anthony Cool, Deep Boys, Silver Jeff, Playamann, Lisbona's Groove, La Playa Regina, Eduard Smith, Antonio Andali, Oriundo, Terrace Ensemble, Fred Limon, Vince Lourenzo, Back Rogers, Tony Moog, Daniel Ranner, Modell, Mercier, Beach Sonoric, Gaba Milani, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Sander Parin, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Bank Of Sound, Le Club, Peter Jay, Midnight Groove, Jap Boy, Frak Dee, Republic Of Groove, Houzy Section, Continental Rhythms
Dubai Fashion Beats (Deephouse Rhythms)
Fred Limon, Oriundo, Frakie Fresh, Cold Night, Beach Sonoric, Deep Boys, Modell, Mercier, Anthony Cool, Lisbona's Groove, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Continental Rhythms, Daniel Ranner, Back Rogers, Dee Frank, Gaba Milani, Republic Of Groove, Jeffrey Champion, Dee Point, Jean Louis Vallee, Tony Moog, Gold Jeans, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Frak Dee, Houzy Section, Eduard Smith, Antonio Andali, Cristal Dream, For Emotion, Jap Boy, Sander Parin, La Playa Regina, Le Club, Midnight Groove, Silver Jeff, Peter Jay, Vince Lourenzo, Terrace Ensemble, Bank Of Sound, Mr. Handmade, Playamann
Perfect Rhythms (Deep House and Chill Rhythms)
Beach Sonoric, Lisbona's Groove, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Daniel Ranner, Eduard Smith, Frakie Fresh, Mr. Handmade, Jean Louis Vallee, Modell, Mercier, Cold Night, Bank Of Sound, Deep Boys, Le Club, Dee Point, Jap Boy, Gaba Milani, Republic Of Groove, Cristal Dream, Back Rogers, Continental Rhythms, Jeffrey Champion, Gold Jeans, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Playamann, Anthony Cool, Houzy Section, Frak Dee, Midnight Groove, Dee Frank, For Emotion, Tony Moog, La Playa Regina, Antonio Andali, Peter Jay, Silver Jeff, Vince Lourenzo, Sander Parin, Fred Limon, Oriundo, Terrace Ensemble
Cool Rhythms: Deephouse and Bar Grooves
Gaba Milani, Deep Boys, Continental Rhythms, Dee Frank, Anthony Cool, Beach Sonoric, Tony Moog, Fred Limon, Modell, Mercier, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Cold Night, Playamann, Daniel Ranner, Back Rogers, Jean Louis Vallee, Republic Of Groove, Jeffrey Champion, La Playa Regina, Antonio Andali, Dee Point, Gold Jeans, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Oriundo, Midnight Groove, Eduard Smith, Frakie Fresh, Cristal Dream, For Emotion, Jap Boy, Sander Parin, Frak Dee, Le Club, Lisbona's Groove, Peter Jay, Vince Lourenzo, Terrace Ensemble, Bank Of Sound, Mr. Handmade, Silver Jeff, Houzy Section
Mirage: 60 Selected House Tracks
Deep Tune, The Musix, For Emotion, Fast Connection, Night Fruit, Esotica, Aldemario, Diego Polimeno, LB Sound, Kanto, Ricardo Acossa, Dj Kama, Deep Senses, Crazy Girls, Alex Latino, Bossarythm, Novo Ritmo Sensibile, Aquatic, Daniel Ranner, Ba Ax, J Francoise, The Moovers, Chill Groovers, House USA, Floor 21, 2 Way System, Shadow Rhythm, Jean Cloude Chapagne, D Project, Frak Dee, Danny Rodia, Deep Groovers, Unearthly, Dee Frank, Benotto, Novo Som, Beach Sonoric, Eddie Queen, Downstairs, Joao Allevi, Love Lounge, King Sinth, DJ Jerry, K Groove, Bank Of Sounds, Sander Parin, T.H.P, Jet Set, Deep Sound Of Love, Vincent Lace, Jap Boy, B. Project, FD Project, Enrico Lenardis dj, Frakie Fresh, Playamann, Blue Feeling, Vincent Vicente
Groove Cocktail Vol. 1
Francesco Demegni, Fashion Ensemble, Gold Lounge, Hairfunk, Castle Bromwich, Jack & Jeff, House Lovers, Note On Blue, Jeorge Armon, Komo Nero, Le Club, Frak Dee, Mark Delon, 1st Floor, Patrick Delemont, Frankye Florence, Dr. Deep, Alphonzo J, Dee Lovers, Terrace Ensemble, Back Roger, Blue Verhanda, Chill Groovers, Continental Rhythms, Covent Gardner, Daf Grooves, Deep House Elements, Deep Rhythm Bass, Diego Dee
Golden Sounds Selected Deep House Tracks
Beach Sonoric, For Emotion, Dee Frank, Fred Limon, Gaba Milani, Terrace Ensemble, Continental Rhythms, Sander Parin, Deep Boys, Gold Jeans, Lisbona's Groove, Bank Of Sound, Le Club, Mr. Handmade, Jap Boy, Antonio Andali, Daniel Ranner, Anthony Cool, La Playa Regina, Frak Dee, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Vince Lourenzo, Cristal Dream, Republic Of Groove, Jean Louis Vallee, Dee Point, Midnight Groove, Frakie Fresh, Jeffrey Champion, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Eduard Smith, Modell, Mercier, Back Rogers, Silver Jeff, Cold Night, Houzy Section, Tony Moog, Oriundo, Peter Jay, Playamann
Deep & Sexy (Selected Deep House Rhythms)
Anthony Cool, Modell, Mercier, Fred Limon, Beach Sonoric, Continental Rhythms, Deep Boys, Oriundo, Cool Vibe Orchestra, Cold Night, Gaba Milani, Daniel Ranner, Back Rogers, Dee Frank, Republic Of Groove, Jeffrey Champion, Antonio Andali, Dee Point, Tony Moog, Gold Jeans, Jean Cloude Chapagne, Frak Dee, Jean Louis Vallee, Eduard Smith, Frakie Fresh, Houzy Section, Cristal Dream, For Emotion, Jap Boy, Sander Parin, La Playa Regina, Le Club, Lisbona's Groove, Silver Jeff, Peter Jay, Vince Lourenzo, Terrace Ensemble, Bank Of Sound, Mr. Handmade, Playamann, Midnight Groove