Atekk [Matej Prlenda] is born in 1983. in Sarajevo [Bosnia and Hercegovina]. From an early age he shows a interest in music, and since 2000 in electronic genre. Although the first experience in producing electronic music gets much earlier, in late 2010. begins working on new projects and actively engage in producing, acting parallel with other musical directions. His stylistic expression shows how he experience and feel the music. Music genre: Melodic Tribal Techno Tech
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Alexis Di Tullio, Atekk, Bad System, Cream, Joe Krosher, Domba Deluxe, Limalli, Marc Times, Ciberpunk, Damir Pushkar, Fabian Jakopetz, DJ Drogba, DJ Kramba, Dwight Glove, Elvis Makovic, Gnarski, Jomas, K-Chaos, Mladen Gertner, Patagonia Music, Ruben Martinez, Ruma, Sergio Pardo, Javi Murillo, Techdencia, Urban Disidents