2007 has been a highly productive year for Phillip Sollmann a.k.a EFDEMIN and he for sure is one reason that DIAL records arrested massive attention. After releasing his first (selftitled) full-length album on Dial Records in may 2007 and putting out a buch of remixes for Dessous, Bpitch, Morris Audio, Aus! Or Brut!, Efdemin was constantly behind the decks somewhere presenting his idea of the music with his ability to blend between house, minimal and techno. Where Efdemin's earlier production work was rather focused on slow, abstract house in the vein of Theo Parrish, he has slowly turned to a more functional approach without losing his special sense for deepness. Efdemin's sound design has become a lot more unobscured and differentiated. And he knows how to adjust old school influences to contemporary